
Continuity mistake: When Schwarzenegger's urine is tested for pregnancy, the colour of the contents of the vial does not stay the same for two consecutive shots.

Continuity mistake: While chasing Alex out of the hospital, Diana knocks into a man who is on roller blades and he falls over. Yet in all shots afterward he is not on the floor and we never see him get up.


Continuity mistake: While chasing Alex out of the hospital, Diana knocks into a man who is on roller blades and he falls over. Yet in all shots afterward he is not on the floor and we never see him get up.


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Dr. Alex Hesse: I've noticed that the side effects of pregnancy are greatly amplified... With the dosage of Expectane that l've required. The morning sickness, the mood swings. Sleepiness, sexual appetite.
Larry: Sexual appetite?
Dr. Alex Hesse: Yesterday, just scooping the middle out of a honeydew melon gave me a - A "Steifen."
Larry: A what? Oh. That's normal. I get 'em all the time.

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