Jaws 4

Jaws 4 (1987)

34 mistakes

(7 votes)

Visible crew/equipment: When the shark is attacking Mike in his sub, as he yells, "Jake," it cuts and we see the shark from the side of the sub. Look through the windows of the sub, under the shark, there is a large black tube attached to the shark's stomach. (00:57:05)


Continuity mistake: When Ellen is on the boat, and sees the shark coming towards her, the distance between her and the shark does not look very far. When it cuts to Mike, Jake and Hogie in the plane, from their view the distance between the boat and shark looks much greater, about 60-70 metres. Also, only about five seconds later, the shark jumps out of the water and strikes the boat, the shark could not have swam that distance in such a short time.


Revealing mistake: When Jake falls into the water by accident and lands in the sharks mouth, you can see a pole attached to the side of the shark used to turn the shark and the body side to side.

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Suggested correction: No, it's the pole Jake attached the electro magnetic device to.


No, it's not. This pole looks different than one Jake attached the electromagnetic device to.

Plot hole: Why does the shark EXPLODE when it gets stabbed by the boat in the end? It had a transmitter of electromagnetic energy designed to shock it rammed down its throat, nothing that would explode like that.

Continuity mistake: When Mike goes down to the ocean to hug his mother, she turns with the ocean at her left hand. When it cuts to them hugging the ocean is at her right hand. (00:11:50)


Character mistake: When Polly answers the phone and is told of the log drifting in the channel, she immediately yells to Sean and tells him this. However, she does not leave enough time for the caller to be able to tell her all this, she leaves 1-2 seconds before passing it on to Sean.


Audio problem: When the band is playing, the drums are not in sync with what the drum players are playing. (00:05:55)


Revealing mistake: In the scene where the shark has Michael cornered in the old, rusted boat; as he's about to use his oxygen tank to rocket up to the surface, the shark breaks through the wall and when it does, a large number of thick tubes can be seen running into the shark to make it work.


Revealing mistake: When the shark is rammed by the boat at the end, right before it explodes it is too obvious that the shark is a model. Some signs are: the oversized dorsal fins, its mouth is bent at an unrealistic angle, and it doesn't have eyes.

Factual error: The shark that attacks the Brodys in the Bahamas is presumably the same one that kills poor Sean Brody on Amity Island (that poor kid can't catch a break). Ellen departs for the Bahamas after Sean's funeral and the shark follows shortly thereafter. So, the shark swims from Amity, an island off the North Atlantic Coast, down to the Bahamas in order to stalk Ellen, Mike, etc. in a matter of days. Hmmm. As Matt Hooper said in the first film, "fast fish".

Continuity mistake: When Jake and the crew struggle against the shark, all the shots where Hoagie's body is in the back have no continuity with his position in the next shot of him.


Revealing mistake: As the boat sinks you can see the rope attached to slow the boat sinking and control how it goes down. (00:10:45)

Revealing mistake: When the shark explodes, in the last shot (from behind the boat) which shows him exploding it is painfully obvious that the boat is only a model and not the real boat from previous shots.

More quotes from Jaws 4

Trivia: In the third film Michael Brody did a whole lot of welding and dated a marine biologist. In this film he is studying to be a marine biologist and his wife does a lot of welding.

More trivia for Jaws 4

Question: How is the shark exactly killed?

Answer: When Bruce IV eats Mario Van Peebles, it also eats a device that they use to give it an electric shock by remote control. This makes it leap out of the water. The last time they do this, the long pole on the boat's bow impales it.

Grumpy Scot

More questions & answers from Jaws 4

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