Jaws 4

Jaws 4 (1987)

34 mistakes

(7 votes)

Factual error: At the end when the shark is attacking the boat and the electronic device is used you can hear the shark roar. Sharks cannot produce this sound since they have no vocal cords.

Factual error: Sharks cannot "stand" up on the surface of the water like this one does in the end. (01:11:15)

Revealing mistake: During the scene on the banana boat, the woman who is attacked by the shark quite deliberately shoves her leg into the fake shark's mouth as it missed her when it came up out of the water.

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Suggested correction: She doesn't put her foot in its mouth. She instinctively tries to kick it or she's just unlucky with where she moves her foot.


She put her leg in the shark's mouth. It's too obvious even without slow motion.

Continuity mistake: Michael Caine is knocked overboard into the water, but manages to climb back into the boat - when he reaches the deck, his clothes are perfectly dry.

Revealing mistake: Toward the end, when they have killed the shark and are all floating about in the water, you can see that the horizon is a painting. The water is even lapping up against it. (01:20:30)

Revealing mistake: As the shark grabs the woman off the banana boat and slams her in to the water, the fake shark's rubber teeth bend. (01:05:20)


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Suggested correction: I have viewed this several times you have mistaken the boom mic for a large round tree branch.

It looks nothing like branch. This is a real boom mic.

Factual error: The shark follows Brody into the sunken ship (yeah, right) and eventually the chase ends with the shark at the end of a very narrow passageway, with no room for it swim further forward, and no room to turn. Since the rigid nature of a shark's pectoral fins means that they cannot swim backwards this one would be stuck. And since Great White sharks have to constantly swim in order to breathe, the movie really should have ended right there.

Revealing mistake: When the shark is attacking someone under the water you can see a hole in the shark and divers fins showing that it's a puppet.

Revealing mistake: When the shark bites off Sean's arm, the outline of his arm hidden under the coat is visible. (00:08:30)


Revealing mistake: When Hoagie lands the plane on the water you can see they are near land when they in fact are supposed to by far out on the ocean. The sand bottom is visible. Also a sailboat suddenly appear, it wasn't there earlier. (01:11:55)


Revealing mistake: During the sequence when Michael has his underwater motorcraft and the shark attacks him, you can see in certain long shots the machine which works the shark protruding from under its tail.

Continuity mistake: When Mike sees through the binoculars that his mom is walking with hoagie sandwich, you can see she is wearing white shoes. However, when it cuts to the next shot she is barefoot.


Continuity mistake: When Mike, Jake and Hoagie are in the plane searching for Ellen, when looking out the window they are flying over land. When it cuts they are suddenly over the ocean and when it cuts again they're over land. (01:08:50)


Continuity mistake: When Hoagie lets Thea steer the plane, Carla is sitting beside Mike in the background. When it cuts Carla suddenly has her arm raised, resting on the seat. (00:17:45)


Continuity mistake: In one of the final scenes in which the shark is attacking, the colour of the water is not consistent in the background. In one scene it is light blue, and in the other it is much darker blue.

Continuity mistake: When Michael is standing by the window and Carla is lying in bed, Carla rests her head on her arm. When it cuts Carla is suddenly lying down in bed. (00:35:55)


More quotes from Jaws 4

Trivia: In the third film Michael Brody did a whole lot of welding and dated a marine biologist. In this film he is studying to be a marine biologist and his wife does a lot of welding.

More trivia for Jaws 4

Question: Did this movie have any negative impact on director Joseph Sargent's life or career?

Answer: Not really, he went on to direct many films and TV shows/miniseries, earning some Primetime Emmys and Director's Guild Awards in the process.

More questions & answers from Jaws 4

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