Jaws mistake picture

Other mistake: On the death certificate for Chrissie, the shark's first victim, the date of death is July 1st. But later, on the reward paper posted by the boy's mother, it says that the date of Alex's death was June 29th. Alex died after Chrissie, not before. Also, the form refers to the coroner as the "corner," and Jun 29th 1974 was a Saturday, not Sunday. (00:09:05 - 00:18:10)

Other mistake: In the scene at the dinner table, when Brody's son is copying his movements, after Brody puts down his glass to cross his fingers, you see his son cross them before Brody does. (00:39:20)

Other mistake: When the boy gets attacked on the lilo and everyone is told to get out the water, the group of boys are standing just in front of the pool of blood. The water is too shallow for a shark of that size to swim in without it being seen.

Other mistake: The five yellow barrels are not on the Orca when they are getting ready to leave shore. When Quint begins singing, goes and stands at the cabin door, you can see through the front windows that the barrels are not there. With the Orca leaving just moments later, they should have already had the barrels on board. (01:07:30)


Other mistake: Two errors when Hooper is at the helm...the first is Quint yelling at Hooper "starboard, ain't you watching?"the shark is actually running from the port side of Orca. The second is when Quintbtells Hooper to head SSE...Orca turns to starboard while moving ahead...a SSE course would be a turn to port.


Other mistake: When Cooper is first examining the remains of Chrissy, the medical examiner takes her remains out of a cupboard of sorts, and carries them to a table. He doesn't struggle, and lifts the tray rather easily yet when Hooper is describing the remains of the body, he says "The torso has been severed mid thorax, the right arm has been severed above the elbow, the left arm, head shoulders sternum and portions of the rib cage are intact" The mistake is that Hooper describes way more of the remains than can have fit in the small tray and or be lifted so easily by the medical examiner.

Jaws mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Quint embeds his machete into the wood at the side of the boat, but in the following wideshot the machete is gone. Then as Orca starts to move, when Hooper says, "He's chasing us, I don't believe it," the machete is back. But when the shark leaps onto the boat the machete is gone again, and then as the shark devours Quint the machete is back for him to grab, so he can valiantly stab the shark. (01:44:30)

Super Grover

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Quint: Hooper! Stop playing with yourself Hooper!

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Trivia: Quint's boat is named Orca. The orca is the only natural predator the great white shark has (besides humans).

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Question: When Quint and Hooper are comparing leg scars, they are sitting near each other with legs overlapping. The shot moves to Brody, then back to Quint and Hooper at the table, sitting apart. Quint is fastening his pants, buckling his buckle, and zipping his zipper. He obviously showed them something that was edited out of the movie. What was it?

Rick Neumann

Answer: Possibly a scar from having his appendix removed, I've been told.

The appendix shot is Brody - he is feeling inferior as the other two share tales of the sea and the only scar he has is from his appendix being removed.

Chosen answer: I just watched this on DVD. As the men were supposed to be comparing their body scars to one another, it appears that Quint had just shown one that was hidden beneath his pants. Whatever this was, it was edited out. When movie scenes are originally filmed, they are usually much longer in length than what is in the final version. After editing, some actions, dialogue, and character movements are deleted either to shorten the running time, for better storytelling flow, or the action was considered unnecessary to the scene. Also, film censorship at this time (mid-1970s) was far stricter than it is today, and it may have been that a review board deemed it inappropriate to have a character unzipping his pants in that manner and insisted it be removed from the final version.


I believe it was Brody, not Quint that was looking down his pants. And I believe that he was embarrassed that his (maybe appendix) scar was not as big or impressive as Quint and Hoopers.

Watch it again and as Quint is scooting back over to his spot he's fastening his pants, but no explanation is given.

I thought Brody had been shot as a cop in the big city (and that was why he took the job in a quiet, small town) and that in this scene he was looking at the scar and comparing it in his mind to the scars the other guys were showing but not saying anything to them about it.

Answer: After Brody looks down at his abdomen scar (probably an appendix scar) the camera switches back to Quint and Hooper. As Hooper starts talking, watch Quint. He is buttoning his pants and then struggles to zip them up. He leaves his belt unbuckled. I've seen Jaws more times than I can count - starting the year it premiered in 1975 - and I didn't notice this weirdness until a few years ago.

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