Animal House

Plot hole: Otter is talking to Babs from a pay phone but it sounds more like Babs was trying to contact Otter (the way the conversation starts) with information about Mandy (before Otter went to the motel). How did Babs contact Otter to talk or how could Otter know to call her suddenly?

Animal House mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bluto is watching the sorority girls have their pillow fight and he falls down with the ladder, you can see him land on a grass mat that is cut into the lawn. It's funny because you can see the grass push in. (00:40:00)

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Katy: Boon, I think I'm in love with a retard.
Boon: Is he bigger than me?

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Trivia: The moment where Blutarski breaks the guitar and then apologises was unscripted, and improvised by John Belushi.

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Question: Why didn't the mayor try and have the Deltas arrested for both the mayhem they caused at the parade and that one of them may have had fun with his underaged daughter? Obviously the audience knows the member didn't but the mayor doesn't.


Answer: There's no indication that the Deltas didn't face legal ramifications from their actions at the parade, nor that Pinto didn't get in trouble (when we last see him, he's literally being chased by the mayor). The film ends at that point and, although the film provides title cards telling us what happened to the characters far in the future, we don't see the immediate aftermath.

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