Animal House

After getting expelled, the boys from Delta House succeed in wrecking the homecomming parade and causing calamity in the town. Belushi drives off with the hot chick. The Dean, after a bit of convincing, lets the boys back in to Faber U, and a brief description of each the boys' futures is given.

Notorious ET

Animal House mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Fraternity house is being taken down, the Greek letters switch places. (01:06:05 - 01:06:55)

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Hoover: They confiscated everything, even the stuff we didn't steal!

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Trivia: During the scene where John Belushi is sneaking around, you see him slip and then get back up. The slip was accidental but the film makers left it in the movie.


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Question: Kent Dorfman is a member of Delta fraternity, so why, later in the movie, is he seen in a military uniform with the Omega fraternity?

Answer: He's in R.O.T.C. The Omegas are in the class, too. Military uniforms are required dress.

Captain Defenestrator

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