Jackie Brown

Trivia: The white Honda Civic that Jackie Brown uses in the movie is a left over from Pulp Fiction - it was going to be used as a second to the car that Butch crashes into Marcellus Wallace but the stunt went right the first time, and it was never used.

Trivia: The film is based on the novel "Rum Punch," the sequel to a book Quentin Tarantino was once caught shoplifting from Wal-Mart when he was 11 years old.

Trivia: In one of the deleted scenes on the DVD (the one between Jackie and the cop in the restaurant) the cop is about to call over a waitress and he says 'Garçon' Jackie then corrects him and says 'Garçon means boy.' The same thing happens in Pulp Fiction when Tim Roth shouts for a waitress. Tarantino has said that the 'Garçon Waitress' will probably be a waitress in all of his films.

Trivia: If you look at the credits, you will see that the casting was done by a woman named Jaki Brown.

Trivia: The info on bondsman Max Cherry's ID (ie. height, weight, eye colour, birth date) is that of Robert Forrester, the actor who plays him.

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Suggested correction: Maybe the physical attributes, but the birth date is different than Robert's. Max's is 3.15.48, Robert's is 7.13.41.


Not only that, but virtually nothing matches. Forster (not Forrester) was a little under 5'10" with brown eyes. Cherry's ID says he's 6'0" with blue eyes. Forster was probably more than 155 pounds as well.


Continuity mistake: Pay attention in the beginning of the movie, when Ordell is showing some "girls with guns" to De Niro. While he suggests to run fast the tape, he presses the REWIND key. The expected one would be the FF key. (00:04:25)

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