It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Revealing mistake: During the chase scene where the two taxicabs are chasing after Culpeper, the chase is shown going into a street. There is a shot shown from behind the three vehicles where they drive around a broken down car parked in the middle of the street. A man can be seen climbing onto the back of the car and can then be seen momentarily looking at the camera, presumably to avoid coming into contact with the car that is filming the chase scene. (02:27:57)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Just after Culpeper flees from the garage he attempted to hide his car in, the others get back into the two taxicabs. As they do this, Culpeper's accomplice Jimmy is shown putting his left on the taxicab in front and begins pulling his hand on the cab just as the shot ends. The camera then changes angles and his left hand is now shown pointing towards the right. Something he was not doing at the end of the previous shot. (02:24:34)

Casual Person

Visible crew/equipment: When Culpeper attempts to hide his car in the garage, the two taxicabs catch up with him, prompting Culpeper to drive away. In the shot of Culpeper driving out of the garage and away from the others, the camera crew can be seen reflected on the side of his car. (02:24:20)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When everyone gets back into the taxicabs after discovering that Culpeper has driven off with the money, the area that the two cabs are positioned in is shadowed, but as the cabs begin to drive in the following shot, the same area is now covered in sunlight. (02:22:35)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Culpeper is about to get into his car before leaving the station, he looks back at the police station for a brief moment. In the first shot, his left hand is shown touching the right hand side of the window frame. But in the next shot, where the cop says "What's the matter, Chief", his left hand is now shown the bottom of the window frame. Then it is back to being alongside the window frame in the next shot. (01:55:52)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Ding and Benjy are on the verge of landing, just as Ding says "Put on the brakes" and Benjy asks "Where are they", Ding is shown putting his right hand on a couple of levers. When the shot cuts, his right hand is suddenly pointing towards a restaurant. (01:58:56)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: When Sylvester is chasing Finch and Hawthorne and the two cars bump into each other, there is a shot of Finch and Hawthorne's car swerving off the road and then back onto the road. In the shot, it can be noticed that Sylvester has been replaced with a stunt driver. (01:51:57)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: When the fireworks explode in the basement, there is a shot of Melville running up to and jumping over a counter to take cover. In the shot, we can see that he has been replaced with a stunt double. (01:38:30)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: After Culpeper bets they'll turn to the crossroads and turn south, the scene cuts to an overview shot of the four vehicles driving. In the shot, Ding's car is shown in the middle of the road and Finch's car is shown on the right hand side of the road. In the next shot, Ding's car is suddenly on the left hand side of the road and Finch's car is now towards the middle of the road. The shadows also change direction between shots. (00:32:55)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: In the garage fight scene, the two mechanics are shown attempting to flee by rolling underneath the garage door and Pike following them the same way. The camera then holds on the garage door before the two mechanics are thrown through it. Just before the mechanics go through the door, there is a visible shift in the appearance of the door revealing that this supposed one single shot is actually two separate shots spliced together. (00:55:34)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Just after Pike pushes the chain filled with various pieces of metal through the window of the garage, Pike is shown kneeling downwards when one of the mechanics pulls a shelf off the wall and it lands on him. It then cuts to a different angle of Pike throwing the shelf off him where he is now standing upright. (00:55:23)

Casual Person

Visible crew/equipment: During Pike's fight with the two mechanics, one of the mechanics is shown clinging onto the ceiling whilst Pike is trying to pull him down, which then causes the ceiling to collapse. The crane used to hold the ceiling into place can be seen when the ceiling collapses. (00:54:29)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Pike is fighting the two mechanics, he charges at one of them, who is holding a mallet. The camera then cuts to a different angle, and the mallet has suddenly disappeared. (00:54:19)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: The two mechanics hide in two toilet stalls to hide from Pike. When Pike punches through the door and the two stalls collapse, we can see that there is nothing inside, revealing that they are fake props and not real toilet stalls. (00:54:05)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: At the garage, just after Pike breaks free from his restraints, he crashes through a wall. Right before the wall breaks, a faint line in the shape of a human body can be seen around the area Pike crashes through, revealing it was pre-cut before filming. (00:53:09)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Pike is trying to break free after being tied to the support column, in one shot we can see he is clenching his fists, and they are positioned upwards. But in the next shot, his fists are suddenly positioned downwards. (00:53:07)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Hawthorne is driving with Finch, Emeline and Mrs. Marcus in the car, just as Mrs. Marcus tells Hawthorne to keep driving after seeing Pike, Finch is shown sitting in the front, doing nothing aside from slightly readjusting his hat with his hand. The camera then cuts to outside, with the car driving past Pike, and we can see Finch is now leaning his head and arm out of the window. (00:40:25)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the four cars are racing to stay ahead of each other, just as Benjy says "You're gonna lose your licence, Ding", the car they are in is ahead of Pike's truck. The camera changes angles and Ding's car and Pike's truck are suddenly side by side, only for Ding to overtake Pike a second time. (00:33:37)

Casual Person

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When everyone rushes back to their vehicles after failing to talk about how to split the money, Pike's truck and Finch's car are shown to have shadows positioned to the left of their vehicles. The camera then changes angles and the shadows are suddenly positioned to the right of their vehicles. (00:31:12)

Casual Person

J. Algernon Hawthorne: Jolly nasty accident there. Jolly lucky nobody was hurt.
Mrs. Marcus: Where did you get that funny accent? Are you from Harvard or something?
J. Algernon Hawthorne: Harvard? Rather not. I'm English.
Mrs. Marcus: Sounds so foreign.
J. Algernon Hawthorne: Really?

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