In the Line of Fire

Continuity mistake: In the breakroom scene where Horrigan is thought to have had a heart attack, the EMTs burst in and attempt to "revive" him and he shoves them away to both sides. The camera then shifts to an over-the-shoulder view, where one EMT says "I got a call there was a cardiac case." Both EMTs are present at the left and right edges of the screen. Seconds later, Frank says "Oh, I get it. Who's the wise guy?" and stands up. In that brief interval, the EMTs have vanished completely; when everyone else files out of the breakroom, laughing, they are nowhere to be seen. (00:21:15)

Phil C.

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Frank Horrigan: You're looking at a living legend, Lilly. The only active agent who ever lost a president.

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Trivia: When the president goes to a town outside Atlanta, the footage is from President George Bush's visit to Woodstock, GA when he was running against Bill Clinton in 1992. They super-imposed the president from the movie into the shot.

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Question: When he was looking through the seating chart, how did Frank know that Boothe was James Carney at the presidential dinner?


Answer: Frank had reviewed and was familiar with the list of the attendees since he was concerned about an attempt, and when he looked at the faxed list of new bank accounts, the name Carney jumped out at him.


Answer: John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln.

Not the question. "Booth" is just a pseudonym used by Mitch Leary (John Malkovich) at the beginning of the film, until Frank and the FBI figure out his real identity. Your answer is right insofar as that's why Leary called himself "Booth." But the question is, how did he immediately connect Leary with the name James Carney on the seating chart.

When he spoke with Sandy Riggs, the organizer of the event, Sandy Riggs said, "Be right back, Mr. Carney." Then when he read the name James Carney on the guest list, he made the connection.

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