
Continuity mistake: When he sees Meg in the river of death, he reaches down and touches it. Then, when he jumps in, he makes a dive of at least 50 feet. (01:11:25)

Continuity mistake: When Meg and Hercules are walking down the stairs in the garden, Meg has a sheer purple shawl, but when Pain and Panic (disguised as birds) tell her to stop fooling around, it disappears. Then, a few shots later, when she tells Hercules not to thank her just yet, it has reappeared. (00:57:00 - 00:58:00)

Continuity mistake: Five white teenage girls burst in on Hercules & Phil & run toward the camera. In the following shot, the girl in blue has changed into a black girl.

Continuity mistake: During Hades' meeting with the Fates, he walks to a table to explain his plan. Between shots the things on the table change.

Continuity mistake: In Thebes, Phil beats up the guy and he gets a black eye, but seconds later the black eye is gone.

Continuity mistake: When Hercules is on his knees in the temple of Zeus, in some shots he is on bare stone, but in other shots he is on the ceramic design.

Factual error: When Young Hercules makes the pillars fall in a Domino effect, they go both ways. However, if this were to happen, they would stop the domino effect when they reach the entrance to the market, which doesn't have pillars. The pillars are not in a circle, so there's no way they can both stop at the top of the ring, where the pot seller is. The only way for this to work is if Hercules started the Domino effect at the entrance of the market, with pillars directly across from each other, which he doesn't.

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Suggested correction: He throws the pillar he holds towards the opposite side causing it to fall as well.

They do a pulled back shot that shows it falling from the top of the ring.

Continuity mistake: When the gods are walking down Mt. Olympus in chains, Hephaestus is in front of Aphrodite. But after Hercules cuts the chains with his sword and frees the gods, Hermes is in front of Aphrodite, and Hephaestus is nowhere to be seen.

Continuity mistake: In the shot of the gods after Hades makes his joke about moussaka, Dionyssus is close to Aphrodite and Athena's owl is on her left hand. Then as Hades asks "Is this an audience or a mosaic?", Aphrodite is further from Dionyssus, and Athena's owl is on her right hand.

Continuity mistake: When Phil falls off Pegasus, he hits a pillar and gets knocked out. A few minutes later, after recovering, his position is different and the pillar is gone.

Continuity mistake: When Hercules opens the case, all that falls out are two pots, two bowling pins, a helmet, a sword, and two pairs of armor. A purple cape, two shields, many other pots, a sandal, a trophy, and a white ball with a blue stripe are among many of the additional items that appear out of thin air in the very next shot.

Continuity mistake: As the Fates cut their first victim's string of life, between shots they move further away from the nearby window.

Continuity mistake: When Hades says "Here I am kind of river guardian-less" you can see a chess piece of a centaur on the board near to a lot of other pieces. The when Meg flicks the centaur off the board, the other pieces are gone.

Continuity mistake: At night-time, Phil is standing on Pegasus' head in front of a "head-light". The head-light disappears from Pegasus' head after the above shot.

Factual error: Hercules skips a rock towards a statue in the fountain. There's no way that after doing that the statue would lose both its arms, let alone with no other damage done to it.

Continuity mistake: In Thebes, when a vendor opens his cloak and asks if he wants on sundial, his fingers go from being underneath the cloak to over it.

Continuity mistake: In the first scene involving the Fates, the hands of the green one are perfectly fine, and it is not until Hades places the eyeball in her hand that all the disgusting brown spots and hairs appear.

Hercules: Aren't you...a damsel in distress?
Meg: I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

More quotes from Hercules

Trivia: In ancient Greece the definition of a hero was actually someone who was half human, half god, so Hercules really is a true hero.

More trivia for Hercules

Question: Why is it too nutty that Orpheus arranged the flowers?

Answer: Orpheus was the greatest poet and musician of Greek mythology, his music could charm wild beasts and even persuade rocks and trees into movement; the idea of him arranging flowers is probably just a pun on his normal pasttime of 'arranging' music, or alternatively a reference to how he could have used his magical music to make the flowers spontaneously arrange themselves.

More questions & answers from Hercules

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