
Factual error: When Young Hercules makes the pillars fall in a Domino effect, they go both ways. However, if this were to happen, they would stop the domino effect when they reach the entrance to the market, which doesn't have pillars. The pillars are not in a circle, so there's no way they can both stop at the top of the ring, where the pot seller is. The only way for this to work is if Hercules started the Domino effect at the entrance of the market, with pillars directly across from each other, which he doesn't.

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Suggested correction: He throws the pillar he holds towards the opposite side causing it to fall as well.

They do a pulled back shot that shows it falling from the top of the ring.

Factual error: Hercules skips a rock towards a statue in the fountain. There's no way that after doing that the statue would lose both its arms, let alone with no other damage done to it.

Factual error: When Hercules and Phil are flying over Thebes, the ocean is visible nearby. Thebes is nowhere near the ocean.

Continuity mistake: Five white teenage girls burst in on Hercules & Phil & run toward the camera. In the following shot, the girl in blue has changed into a black girl.

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Hades: We dance...we kiss...we schmooze...we carry on...we go home happy. What do you say?

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Trivia: As already noted, Hercules wears a lionskin which is made out of Scar. In the myths of Hercules one of his great tasks was to kill a vicious lions and he kept the skin ever since. But it's more than just a joke or a cameo that he wears Scar, for both Scar and Hercules were animated by the same man (Andreas Deja).

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Question: Why is it too nutty that Orpheus arranged the flowers?

Answer: Orpheus was the greatest poet and musician of Greek mythology, his music could charm wild beasts and even persuade rocks and trees into movement; the idea of him arranging flowers is probably just a pun on his normal pasttime of 'arranging' music, or alternatively a reference to how he could have used his magical music to make the flowers spontaneously arrange themselves.

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