Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Revealing mistake: When Pinhead is killing the patrons at the club and they are running away to try and escape, you can see some of them laughing instead of screaming like they should be.


Revealing mistake: After Joey runs from the club into the street and a car swerves to avoid her, it hits a lamppost which causes sparks; but look closely and you can see that the sparks appear just a split second before the car actually hits the post. The sparks were rigged and set off a second too early.

Revealing mistake: When Joey gets "cut" by the chain in the hospital in the beginning, pay attention. In the shot where she gets "cut," you can plainly see all that happens is the chains slap a little blood on her ankle without any signs of actual damage. Then, a few shots later, there's a very quick closeup of the "cut," and you can see that all they did was paint a little gooey "blood" over the top of her pantyhose, which aren't ripped through at all. (Nor is there a visible cut, either).


Revealing mistake: When Pinhead kills Sandy, his chains attack her, then they lift her up, and her stunt double is visible because her hair is much shorter and her face is completely different.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Pinhead is in the church, he stands behind the table, and the candle to the right of him is straight. He then pushes the cross off the front, look at the candle, it is now on a slant then in a split second the candle is straight again as if it had never been touched.

More mistakes in Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Pinhead: Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song at the center of the world, Joey, and its sound is like razors through flesh.
Joey: I don't believe you.
Pinhead: Oh come, you can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume. To press the stinking face of humanity into the dark blood of its own secret heart.

More quotes from Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Trivia: The original draft of the script was reportedly much bleaker in tone. It didn't have the pseudo-cenobites such as "Barbie" and "CD Head," and the ending of the film involved Joey willingly becoming Pinhead's "bride" in exchange for fortune and success.


More trivia for Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Question: When Pinhead kills JP Monroe, what is the device that is affixed to Monroe's head that is also part of his Cenobite form?


Chosen answer: It's a piston. 2 piston rods are jammed through his head and they move powered by something unknown. You can see the crank shaft and part of some sort of cylinder. A piston is part of an internal combustion engine. It's part of his cenobite form since he liked cars.


More questions & answers from Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

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