
Easter egg: When on the menu screen, move the cursor to highlight the Hackers logo. Press enter, and your will be taken to a screen with a choice of four passwords. The correct password is GOD, which one can learn by watching the movie. When the password GOD is selected, you will be taken into a cool short visual of cyberspace.

Continuity mistake: When Plague first goes to visit Dade, Plague asks the agents to leave, and as he is closing the door there is no blue jacket hanging up on the door, but when the camera cuts to a shot of the door, a blue jacket has appeared. (00:39:35 - 00:40:10)


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Ramon Sanchez: So, uh, what's your interest in Kate Libby, eh? Academic? Purely sexual?
Dade Murphy: Homicidal.

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Trivia: Laurence Mason's character Lord Nikon was given the name because of his photographic memory.


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Question: Why is Kate Libby doing administrative work for the school, such as handling transfer forms?

Answer: Some schools have been known to get students to do some administrative work for them as work experience.


Answer: When I was in Jr. High even (6th-8th grade) they had classes titled "Office Aid" and all you did was literally help out the secretary's when they need it, otherwise you just sit on your ass and talk to people as they come in and out of the office. Or if you had a superior who was awesome, like I did, (the vice principal for my last name was basically on a first name basis with me haha) they would let you pretty much just roam the halls and walk around all you want as long as you don't have any teachers get mad at you for anything. It was definitely a very sought after class when I was in school.

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