An American Werewolf in London

Other mistake: When the two Americans are walking on the moors, their shadows are always in front of them, despite them having changed direction numerous times. Additionally, with the moon always being behind them, how are their faces being lit?

Other mistake: When David changes into a werewolf for the first time you can see his huge feet vibrate when he moves his legs in agony: they are made from rubber.

Continuity mistake: In Jack's first appearance to David in the hospital room, Jack uncovers the food on the tray and takes a piece of toast from another plate on the tray. The silver cover on the tray changes position throughout the scene in various shots. Sometimes the cover is resting partly on the tray and sometimes flat on the tray table surface.

Randy DeShong

More mistakes in An American Werewolf in London

Alex: David, please be rational. Let's go and see Dr. Hirsch.
David: Yeah, be rational. Sure. I'm a fucking werewolf, for Christ's sake.

More quotes from An American Werewolf in London

Trivia: John Landis wanted to use Cat Stevens song Moon Shadow for the opening credits. Cat Stevens refused because he believes werewolves actually exist.

More trivia for An American Werewolf in London

Question: What did Dr. Hirsch mean when he said to Alex how he witnessed "some form of mass neurosis in East Proctor"?


Answer: He was referring to the local residents that lived in the area who, unknown to the doctor, knew about and were terrorized by the werewolf that roamed the countryside during a full moon. The doctor thought they suffered from some type of mass mental illness.


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