
Revealing mistake: When they are climbing up from the subway tunnel into Madison Square Garden, there are lots of half-dead fish scattered around from when Godzilla was feeding. Right before they enter the arena, in the overhead shot looking down on the actors, there is a wiggling fish in the lower left portion of the screen. If you look closely, you can see a string attached to the fish. A crew member is obviously tugging on it from below, to make the fish move.

Revealing mistake: When the old guy is running down the pier as Godzilla smashes through it it's very obvious that he was just cut in from a bluescreen. The water never touches him even though it gets passed him and he runs straight even though the pier shakes and bends right under his feet.

Revealing mistake: After the second attempt to capture Godzilla with the fish, she runs to the sea. You see her jump into the water, yet she makes a very small splash considering her mass.

Revealing mistake: When they have the second fish trap, Godzilla runs from the army and the chasing Hummers drive right over the deep massive footprints smoothly.

Revealing mistake: When Godzilla's foot steps "around" Animal, then lifts, the large wall of windows in the background has no reflection of the foot, leg or any portion of the monster, yet our viewing angle would require it. (00:30:00)


Revealing mistake: When the two soldiers are in the subway tunnel just before Godzilla's eye opens at the end of the tunnel, check out the beams on the flashlights. When the flashlights shine on the walls of the tunnel, they are normal. When they shine FURTHER AWAY onto Godzilla, the light beams get narrower and more laser-like. The circle the light makes on a surface loses the dark circle in the centre when it shines on Godzilla too.

Revealing mistake: When Godzilla eats at the first trap you can see soldiers coming out of her foot. When Nick goes around the statue to take another photo you can see this on Godzilla's right foot just next to the vehicles as the soldiers are shouting "Let's go, fall back."


Revealing mistake: When Godzilla attacks the fish market, the creature picks up the seafood/fish truck with the driver still inside. As he's being knocked out of the cab, you can see dozens of boxes set up where the truck was once parked for him to land on. (00:26:00)


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Suggested correction: Boxes are actually beside the truck before it is lifted off the ground.

There are crates next to the truck, not nicely stacked boxes.


Factual error: The Apaches in the film are depicted with dual machine guns on each side of the cockpit, mounted directly on the windows. In real life, Apaches cannot mount such cannons, and instead use an M230 Chaingun in a turret underneath the helicopter, which the film Apaches have, but for some reason do not use. (00:49:25)


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Suggested correction: Yes, we can all see they are supposed to be Apaches but not once are they mentioned by name. The US Army obviously didn't allow for real Apaches to be used. This isn't a mistake as there would have been no official licence to use the real deal.

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Philippe Roaché: I am Philippe Roaché, dgse - Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: It sounds big.
Philippe Roaché: French Secret Service.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Oh.

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Trivia: When O'Neal is checking the taxi's frequency, the sheet he looks at has Scott Collins and Len Wiseman on it. They were prop assistants on this film as well as Stargate and Independence Day, all made by Roland Emmerich.

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Question: After they blow up Madison Square Garden, as they are standing outside Godzilla makes an appearance after previously being assumed dead. How did it manage to get back to Madison Square Garden without being detected by anyone?

Answer: Everyone was so focused on the nest in the Garden, they all forgot about Godzilla.

More questions & answers from Godzilla

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