
MSG blows up with the mini godzillas inside it. The survivors Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Patillo and Hank Azaria walk away and get chased by the big Godzilla on the freeway until they go to Brooklyn Bridge by Taxi and Godzilla gets stuck in the wiring cables and is killed by fighter jets. But one baby Godzilla is left alive in the subway...


Continuity mistake: When the Mayor of New York is talking to the crowds and people can feel the ground bouncing, Godzilla is a fair bit away, but when she is stomping through the streets the people don't feel it at all - shouldn't they be thrown into the air from that proximity? (00:26:25)

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Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: That's a lot of fish.

More quotes from Godzilla

Trivia: Director Roland Emmerich was a massive fan of Spielberg's films. Particularly "Jurassic Park." Emmerich decided to model this film more around "Jurassic Park" than the original "Godzilla" series. (In particular the "Baby Godzilla" sequences, which features many callbacks and references to the raptor scenes from "Jurassic Park").

More trivia for Godzilla

Question: After they blow up Madison Square Garden, as they are standing outside Godzilla makes an appearance after previously being assumed dead. How did it manage to get back to Madison Square Garden without being detected by anyone?

Answer: Everyone was so focused on the nest in the Garden, they all forgot about Godzilla.

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