Godzilla mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Godzilla is about to step on Animal, we see two cars are directly behind Animal (a yellow taxi and a gray car). Each shot of Animal from the front as the monster approaches (and he's trying to get the tape locked into the camera) shows portions of the cars. But in the side shot of the foot as it lands, no cars are right behind Animal at all. (00:29:50)


Godzilla mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The first footprint - the one Nick is standing in - is clearly smaller that those shown from the helicopter (watch the toes). (00:11:05 - 00:12:25)

Godzilla mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The mayor is giving a speech as Godzilla arrives in NY. There are five microphones in front of him. They move between shots, most noticeably the blue and yellow ones in the middle. (00:26:30)


Godzilla trivia picture

Trivia: There's a statue of the alien from Independence Day on top of the computer monitor in the broadcasting booth at the Madison Square Garden. (01:44:25)


Continuity mistake: Godzilla noticeably changes size throughout the movie. For example, she is shown lairing in a subway tunnel, but she cannot fit into the Hyde Park tunnel (taxicab scene), which is significantly larger than a subway tunnel. Also, compare the size of Godzilla's eye next to Matthew Broderick during the fish scene and Godzilla's death scene. The eye is way bigger in the latter.

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Philippe Roaché: I am Philippe Roaché, dgse - Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: It sounds big.
Philippe Roaché: French Secret Service.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Oh.

More quotes from Godzilla

Trivia: In response to fan-backlash against this film, Toho (the Japanese company responsible for the "Godzilla" film series) decided to have some fun at the expense of the film. The film "Godzilla: Final Wars" made this movie officially canonical with the "Millennium Era" film series, by suggesting that the events of this film happened, but that it was misconstrued as a Godzilla attack by the US. To even further parody this film, the "Godzilla" from this movie appears, being rebranded "Zilla", and is killed by the Japanese Godzilla within seconds.

More trivia for Godzilla

Question: After they blow up Madison Square Garden, as they are standing outside Godzilla makes an appearance after previously being assumed dead. How did it manage to get back to Madison Square Garden without being detected by anyone?

Answer: Everyone was so focused on the nest in the Garden, they all forgot about Godzilla.

More questions & answers from Godzilla

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