From Russia With Love
From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When James Bond shoots down the helicopter, then it crashes. He emerges from the rocks to run from the crash site to the right of the picture, just as you see Sean Connery emerge from behind rocks from the right in the same scene. So, for about a second, there are two James Bonds in the picture. One is the stuntman, and the other is Sean Connery. (01:38:05)

From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When JB is driving the truck and is being bombed with grenades from the helicopter, the truck gets smoke blackened. But when he arrives at the speedboat, all the smoke marks have gone.

From Russia With Love mistake picture

Other mistake: In the title sequence, the name of actress Martine Beswick (she plays one of the gypsy fighting girls) is misspelled as Martin Beswick. (00:04:05)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Rosa Klebb is interviewing Tatiana, she is wearing a pair of glasses, and she makes a reference to Tatiana having had three lovers. Then, as Tatiana answers back, Klebb is no longer wearing the glasses. (00:15:50)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Tatiana first meets Rosa Klebb in Istanbul, the hand of a crew member is seen closing the door behind Tatiana when she enters the room (from the other side of the door - not the side Tatiana and Rosa are on). (00:14:50)

From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond is in the gypsy camp, the two girls Vida and Zora, who are about to fight over a man, are coming out of a caravan both wearing long skirts and scarves. When they each take their scarf to bind it around their hips, the skirts have suddenly disappeared without ever being taken off. (00:41:35)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond and the others board the train in Istanbul, they board the train at the rear which shows passenger coaches. When the train does not stop at the scheduled rendezvous because Kerim has been killed, the passing rear of the train contains freight cars. When Bond and Tatiana escape from the train, the departing shot of the rear of the train shows passenger cars again. (01:04:40 - 01:13:05)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the scene where Klebb arrives via helicopter on Spectre island and meets Morzeny, they enter a training area and continue their conversation while walking through it. Just after Morzeny says "We use live targets as well", the scene cuts to a wide shot and they are entering the same training area once again, only this time from a path that is just right next to the one used before. (00:12:50)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Klebb uses the knuckle duster on Grant watch carefully and you see the bag on her right shoulder is removed with her right hand, but is handed to the man behind with her left hand in between shots. (00:13:05)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond hides from the helicopter under a crack in the rocks, the rocks, the crack and the bushes around are totally different in the close-up. Plus a bunch of moss suddenly appears.


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the helicopter chases Bond, a headset and a hand speaker appear on the close-ups but disappear on the wide angle.


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the train Bond gives Tatiana a powder blue negligée, the upper portion is lace. She puts it on and they snuggle a bit, then Bond is called out by Kerim about something. Bond returns a few minutes later and she has on a totally different negligée that has no lace on it but is still powder blue. (01:06:40)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When leaving the Gypsy's Bond gets into a white car as it drives off. When it does so, the stage light is reflected very nicely. (00:46:55)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Klebb is inspecting Grant, she has her arms by her side. Camera cuts and now they are clasped behind her back. (00:13:30)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Klebb's glasses disappear during the interview with Tatiana (mistake already listed) and appear on the map on the desk. Between the shots, the glasses change position from standing up correctly to lying on their back. (00:15:40)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When talking to Tatiana for the first time, Klebb has her truncheon on the desk as she stands up to walk around the desk. However, when she reaches the other side of the desk the truncheon is now in her hands again. (00:16:10)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the Gypsy camp, Bond sits down and there is nothing in front of him on the table. We see the belly dancer arrive and suddenly there is a plate of food and Bond has got a drink in his hand. (00:38:20)


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Suggested correction: The cut to the belly dancer is a jump ahead in time. There is no continuous action or sound between the shots and the food appearing shows time has passed.

From Russia With Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Klebb is meeting Grant for the first time she hands her bag over and it is clear that her hands are empty. However, once she's walked round him, the brass knuckles appear in her hands, ready for her to put them on and hit him. (00:13:15)


From Russia With Love mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When we see the car leaving the airport as the man with a moustache walks out there is a very nice reflection of a crew member in the paintwork. (00:24:20)


Continuity mistake: The train is stopped because Spectre has pushed a 1950's style Dodge truck full of flowers in the train's path. Later, when James is driving it, trying to avoid the grenades dropped from a helicopter, the truck has turned into a very different-looking 1961 Chevrolet truck.

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Donald "Red" Grant: Is any of the opposition around?
James Bond: Not in any condition to be worried about.

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Trivia: The actor intended to play Captain Nash, whose place Grant takes at the Zagreb train station, didn't actually show up for filming. Location manager Bill Hill performed the role instead.

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Chosen answer: It would, yes. Also I am to understand that it's his sense of humour.

Alan Keddie

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