From Russia With Love

Other mistake: When James Bond's friend Kerim Bey gets shot at the gypsy camp, look closely: he is rubbing fake blood into his own arm. (00:43:10)

From Russia With Love mistake picture

Other mistake: In the title sequence, the name of actress Martine Beswick (she plays one of the gypsy fighting girls) is misspelled as Martin Beswick. (00:04:05)


Other mistake: When Bond has knocked out the truck driver who was going to meet up with Grant, the driver is lying on his back. Bond grabs a bit of shirt and easily flips him over onto his belly. There is no way a person can flipped over so easily and with so little leverage.

Other mistake: When Bond returns to his room and places the rifle kit back in his briefcase, he fails to deactivate the booby trap before opening the case, but nothing happens. (00:49:40)

Other mistake: At the station in Zagreb, the clock shows approximately 12:30 am. After carrying on, Bond, Tania, and Grant go to the restaurant car. That is quite a late dinner - and they aren't even alone in there. When they get the food, it must be around 1:00 am at the earliest.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: The train is stopped because Spectre has pushed a 1950's style Dodge truck full of flowers in the train's path. Later, when James is driving it, trying to avoid the grenades dropped from a helicopter, the truck has turned into a very different-looking 1961 Chevrolet truck.

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James Bond: Pardon me, do you have a match?
Kerim's Chauffeur: I use a lighter.
James Bond: Better still.
Kerim's Chauffeur: Until they go wrong.
James Bond: Exactly.

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Trivia: When Bay is about to kill the man that was hanging on the movie banner, look carefully at the names on the banner. The names are Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, the producers of the Bond movies.

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Chosen answer: It would, yes. Also I am to understand that it's his sense of humour.

Alan Keddie

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