The Firm

Character mistake: At the end, when Mitch tells Agent Tarrance that the government can convict the law firm on mail fraud and racketeering, he says he got the idea while he was studying for the bar exam. He actually got the idea from a client earlier in the film when the client was complaining about being over-billed and tells Mitch that every time a bill is mailed through USPS, the firm is committing mail fraud which is a federal offense, punishable by fines and prison.


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Suggested correction: This is not wholly correct. Mulholland (the client) planted the seed in Mitch's head, but Mitch realised instantly that it was a federal offense, presumably because he had studied it.

Character mistake: After learning of the firm's conspiracy, Mitch is worried about violating attorney/client privilege in order to expose it. Since Mitch knows that a crime is being committed (e.g. mailing the overcharged bills through the Post Office), attorney/client privilege doesn't apply.

Cubs Fan

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Tom Cruise is crossing over to Mud Island, you can see the reflection of the rotor blades on the monorail from the helicopter which is filming.

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Wayne Tarrance: Get me a map of Louisiana. GET ME A MAP of louisiana.

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Trivia: Director Sydney Pollack provides the voice of the prison warden on the phone informing Terrance that a prison guard sent an unauthorised fax regarding Mitch's brother Ray.

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Question: In the shot where the albino is traveling in the plane to the Mud Islands, then suddenly he's back in Memphis chasing Tom Cruise. How does he travel or get there so fast? Being one shot in the Mud Islands and the next shot in Memphis, it's not possible.

Answer: Mud Island is in Memphis. You either walk across a covered walkway or take a monorail to it. He didn't take plane to get there to chase Tom Cruise.


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