Final Destination

Factual error: The teens are traveling presumably along the Meadowbrook or Wantagh parkways, when they enter Jones Beach. They see a sign just before the beach entrance that says "New York: 93 miles", when Jones Beach is less than 15 miles from NYC limits and approximately 25-30 miles from Manhattan.

Factual error: Later in the movie when Mrs. Lewton is playing John Denver's Greatest Hits, there's two things wrong with the scene: Rocky Mountain High plays as track 1, but is not the first track on that album; second, the song is out of order. The line "but the string's already broken, but he doesn't really care" is repeated twice before her death.

Factual error: The flight attendants didn't do the safety briefing properly. None of the flight attendants show the demonstrations. Also, the safety briefing should be given during taxiing to the runway. But in the movie, the flight attendant had finished the safety briefing before the door of the plane closed. During the safety briefing, the flight attendant said that the aircraft has 6 emergency exits. How come a 747 has only 6 exits? A 747 in fact has 5 main deck exits on each side, which means on the main deck there are 10 exits. Judging by the picture of the plane on the DVD inner cover (New Line Platinum Series), the 747 used in the movie most likely is the 747-200 series, which means the upper deck has one emergency exits. All in makes the plane has 11 exits, almost double the number said by the flight attendant. And during the take off, when Alex looks outside the plane to the wing, he sees that the flaps are just being deployed. When a plane is taking off, the pilot needs to make sure that the flaps are deployed BEFORE they are actually on the runway. (00:10:05 - 00:17:00)

Andy Handoko

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Suggested correction: No safety briefing is depicted in the film.

I guess you watched a different film than everyone else. The safety briefing can be heard, but you don't see it, which is the point of the mistake.


Factual error: When the teacher gets killed, the vodka on the floor catches fire, and there's still enough alcohol left that the fire follows her? I don't think so - vodka will burn, but not that well.

Factual error: When Ms. Lewton takes out her mother's favorite record album, the label is obviously a fake. None of John Denver's albums had his name written that large on the label.

Jon Nicholas

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Suggested correction: I think this is for two reasons: i) Copyright. ii) To show to the audience she is going to die by making the song obvious to them.

Character mistake: At the memorial service the principal says that it's been 39 days since 39 loved ones had died. But there were 40 students on the plane and 4 chaperones, making the total 44. Now 7 people got off the plane, which means 37 people related to that memorial service actually died, not 39. Two pilots would make up the numbers, but there would be flight crew too, which still leaves the numbers off.

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Bludworth: In death, there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps and no escapes.

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Trivia: The filmmakers originally had an ending in which Alex grabs the cable that lies on Clear's car, Alex catches fire and dies. Then Clear gets her baby and Carter survives. The test audience didn't like this, so the filmmakers shot another ending in which Alex is decapitated by a crashing police helicopter. But again, the test audience didn't like the fact that Alex dies, so they shot the finish with the billboard, which took 6 days to film and cost nearly $2,000,000.

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Question: What is the name of the song which plays over the end credits? And is it available to download anywhere?

Answer: It is "And When I Die" performed by Joe 90, based on the Blood Sweat and Tears song. It's available in iTunes.

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