Final Destination

Everyone dies except for Clear, Alex, and Carter. However they eventually go to Paris and as Alex walks away from the others, he narrowly misses getting run over by a bus. The bus careens out of control and hits a sign, sending it swinging toward Alex, suspended by a cable. Carter knocks him out of the way and the sign swings overhead. Carter says "I told you, you were next.". Alex informs Carter that since he interfered with death's plan, "It just skipped me.". This leaves Carter to wonder and ask "So who's next?". You begin to see the large sign about to crash into Carter, but the film cuts to black before you can see his death.

Jack Bauer

Factual error: The teens are traveling presumably along the Meadowbrook or Wantagh parkways, when they enter Jones Beach. They see a sign just before the beach entrance that says "New York: 93 miles", when Jones Beach is less than 15 miles from NYC limits and approximately 25-30 miles from Manhattan.

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Bludworth: In death, there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps and no escapes.

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Trivia: In the airport after the plane explodes, it shows Terry with a terrified look on her face. Right behind her is a picture of a bus, which is the way she would die later in the movie. Also, at Ms. Lewton's house, when she is standing in front of her computer, behind her is a stained glass window with a picture of a knife, which is how she would later die.

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Question: What is the name of the song which plays over the end credits? And is it available to download anywhere?

Answer: It is "And When I Die" performed by Joe 90, based on the Blood Sweat and Tears song. It's available in iTunes.

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