Final Destination

Deliberate mistake: When Alex is in the cabin opening the can the pull tab is already lifted up making it easier to open because he is wearing gloves. It was already up when he took the wrapper off.

Factual error: The teens are traveling presumably along the Meadowbrook or Wantagh parkways, when they enter Jones Beach. They see a sign just before the beach entrance that says "New York: 93 miles", when Jones Beach is less than 15 miles from NYC limits and approximately 25-30 miles from Manhattan.

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Bludworth: In death, there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps and no escapes.

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Trivia: In the airport after the plane explodes, it shows Terry with a terrified look on her face. Right behind her is a picture of a bus, which is the way she would die later in the movie. Also, at Ms. Lewton's house, when she is standing in front of her computer, behind her is a stained glass window with a picture of a knife, which is how she would later die.

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Question: I don't get how Alex could have died in Clear's Dad's cabin with the fishing rod opening the door and the rusty fish hook and the knife flying out. What happened behind the door?

Answer: As Alex picks up the fish hook he smiles and says "tetanus". Although not ideal, Death hoped to infect Alex with tetanus, a lot slower a death than intended, but a death nevertheless.


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