
Stupidity: There's no reason whatsoever for Mr. Walker to trash the other rooms of David's partners. Someone as tough-minded as Mr. Walker would have been able to recognize the consequences of his behavior. He could have simply trashed David's room and let it be. It simply seems like a plot device to justify David's gang attacking the Walker residence.


Stupidity: In real life, David beating Gary would be a very big deal since it happened in front of many witnessed and on school property. He would at the very least be arrested or detained sooner or later, if not immediately, for things like assault and possibly reckless endangerment, and could very well have a lawsuit filed against him.


Plot hole: At the end of the movie where David and his friends are attempting to break into Steve's house, David has the door code and attempts to gain access once by using it. Steve then tells his wife and the kids to go hide upstairs and turn off all the lights so nobody will know where they are. Then Steve and his wife go to another part of the house, away from the front door. Then, we hear David and his friends using axes and a big log to try and break down the door, "before* Steve secures the door with household appliances later on. Why wouldn't David have just kept trying the code?

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Suggested correction: The reason David can not keep trying the code, is because the door has a lock on the top, and one at the bottom (middle regular lock). That middle lock is able to respond to the key/pass-code system, but the top one is not. In order to get in the house, David would have to be able to enter the pin (which, yes he knows) but with the top lock still locked from the inside he can not get in. I am assuming there is a key slot on the outside where he would need a key, and also I'm sure the family doesn't bother locking the top half of the door as no one else knows the pin (so they thought). And I'm guessing that they never locked it during the day either, and only at night.

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Question: What were David and his friends doing with the dogs? What was their crime?

Answer: Not enough information was revealed in the short scene to make any conclusions and there was no concrete evidence that a (dog-related) crime was being committed. There was not even any indication that a dog was present. One might GUESS that David and his friends prepared dogs for illegal dog-fighting or trained dogs to be dangerous, aggressive watch (or "attack") dogs, but there is no proof. "We're here to see a man about a dog" may sound suspicious or shady, but could mean something as innocent as looking for a lost pet. [00:38:36]. There is a second "clue" much later in the movie when Mr. Walker is talking on the phone: "They're running their own cartel and you can't do a goddamn thing about it"? Mr. Walker probably saw some evidence when he broke into their house. While it might be assumed he means a drug cartel, not all cartels are drug-related. But, relating this scene to the earlier one, it appears "We're here to see a man about a dog" is the code for wanting to buy drugs. (The man who answered the door replied, "Does this look like a kennel?") David and his friends/gang appear to have been selling drugs out of their home. [01:15:55].


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