Fatal Attraction

Audio problem: The dialogue that Michael Douglas hears Glenn Close saying when he walks into his apartment to find Glenn Close talking to his wife is the exact same thing that she says just before she leaves when Ann Archer gives her their phone number.

Visible crew/equipment: When Michael Douglas goes to the police for the first time, after he gets the tape, when he is talking to the policeman watch for the reflection of the boom mike to the right of the cop's head in the trophy plate. It's beautiful and in every shot. (01:22:40)


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Alex Forrest: I had a wonderful time last night. I'd like to see you again. Is that so terrible?
Dan Gallagher: No. I just don't think it's possible.

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Trivia: The opera that Glenn Close buys the tickets for is Madame Butterfly. That is the song she is listening to when we see the first signs that she is losing it. Note: At the end of Madame Butterfly the heroine kills herself over a lover. In the director's cut of Fatal Attraction Glenn Close cuts her throat in the bathroom of Michael Douglas' house thereby killing herself over a lover.

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Answer: So her parents (especially her father) would go through hell, not knowing where she was or if she was safe.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Because she's unhinged! And she wants Dan to know that she can get to him, or in this case his daughter, anytime she wants. And she's angry that Dan had an affair with her then went back to his wife.

Alan Keddie

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