Fatal Attraction
Fatal Attraction mistake picture

Other mistake: After Dan visits his wife in the hospital, he goes to Alex's apartment. In the scene where he's chasing Alex and crashes into the glass door, shattering it, look closely at his face and you'll see it's not Michael Douglas but a stunt double. A few seconds later when they are struggling in the kitchen, look again and you'll see the same stunt double.

Fatal Attraction mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Dan throws his umbrella and it bounces on the edge of the wastebasket but lands on the floor. When he walks next to the wastebasket the umbrella is now inside.


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Suggested correction: It lands on the ground and stays there.

Amy Emerick Tice

False. Junk correction. There's a picture online proving it.


Fatal Attraction mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dan leaves the budget office in his rental car, the front license plate is mounted off to one side, unusual for this type of vehicle. When he arrives at the house, it's still the same license plate number, but the plate is now mounted on the centre of the bumper.

Continuity mistake: One scene has Glenn Close in bed shot from profile, and the sheet in down exposing her breasts. The film cuts to a frontal shot and the sheet is up around her neck. When it cuts back to profile, the sheet is down again.

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Alex Forrest: You're here with a strange girl being a naughty boy.
Dan Gallagher: I don't think having dinner with anybody's a crime.

More quotes from Fatal Attraction

Trivia: The opera that Glenn Close buys the tickets for is Madame Butterfly. That is the song she is listening to when we see the first signs that she is losing it. Note: At the end of Madame Butterfly the heroine kills herself over a lover. In the director's cut of Fatal Attraction Glenn Close cuts her throat in the bathroom of Michael Douglas' house thereby killing herself over a lover.

More trivia for Fatal Attraction

Question: What is the significance of Glenn Close and the color white? I noticed that her apartment is white and with the exception of one scene when she's wearing the black leather coat, she is always wearing white. Any thoughts on this?


Chosen answer: With questions such as this, one can either speculate, or one can go directly to the source. So, using IMDb, I looked up the names of the crew on "Fatal Attraction." The costume designer is listed as Ellen Mirojnick. The set decoration was the responsibility of George DeTittas, Sr. I found Ellen Mirojnick on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Ellenmirojnick/posts/263462080524551?comment_id=263621453841947&offset=0&total_comments=2¬if_t=feed_comment), and posed the question to her. This was the reply she gave: " (I)n our process there is always a purpose for a palette to tell a story dramatically. I chose white for her character because white is powerful and although not essentially a "color" it reflects all other colors, which would in turn reflect where we were in the story. I thought through her silhouettes and use of shades of whites, it would reflect her mood and not give away the demon she kept hidden. WHITE is powerful... As she was!" I have not yet been able to track down Mr. DeTittas for comment. But I have posed the additional question to Ms. Mirojnick regarding whether the color palette motif was a decision shared by different departments on the film. Ms. Mironjnick added the following comments: "she wears white to discuise (sic) her darkness, that somehow is revealed in certain places.. white is all things combined .. it radiatesits (sic) the confusion as if she was in an asylum, but her own."

Michael Albert

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