The Family Man

The Family Man (2000)

Ending / spoiler

(12 votes)

After spending several days with his new family, Jack Campbell finds out that he actually likes the new way of living. However, the day he realises that he wants to continue this kind of life, Jack Campbells daughter, Annie, rings her bell. According to Cash, this is a sign that the "vision" will end. When Jack falls asleep, he wakes up the next day in his "real" life, in a hotel, as an investment broker again. He decides to take the last chance and prevent Kate from leaving to Paris. He stops her at the airport and tells her that he wants at least to talk to her, drinking coffee. The movie ends with a shot of Jack and Kate sitting in a cafe, talking.

Thomas Anderson

Continuity mistake: When Jack is watching CNBC the bottle of Yoohoo changes position when he yells "thats my deal" and then it changes back again.

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Jack: I'm in the middle of a deal.
Cash: Well, you're working on a new deal now, baby.

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Trivia: Nicolas Cage actually owned the Ferrari 550 Maranello that he drives in this movie.

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Question: In the scene on the stairs with the chocolate cake when he pushes cake in Kate's face - was that supposed to happen? I ask because she is laughing so hard, and after a second or 2, Nicolas looks up as if to look at the director.

Answer: Http://, -The.html ///// In section 69 /// jack (out of breath) I want it... She looks at him, then takes the whole piece in her hand and smooshes it right in his mouth... Beat. Then, Jack starts laughing... jack (CONT'D) Thank you... KATE It's good, right? He takes a big clump of it and smooshes it in her mouth. They stay there a moment, lying on the stairs, feeding each other cake, laughing. Jack leans back on the stairs. He looks at Kate's face, practically covered in cake, smiling, and realises... ...he hasn't laughed like this in thirteen years. Then.


Is it clear if that's a transcript of the film or the original shooting script? Because if the former it doesn't really answer the question.

Jon Sandys

That's the original script. A transcript of the film after it has come out does not contain blocking information or information about the character's mindset. Those only contain dialogue and the name of the music scores playing similar to movie subtitles. An original script contains blocking and the character's mindset to give the actors/film crew an idea of what to do and the meaning of the scene.

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