Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Revealing mistake: When Luke is talking to Han over the comlink, there's a shot of Han riding a tauntaun. The animal leaves no tracks in the snow. (00:03:35)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Luke is hanging upside down from the roof of the ice creature's cave, his legs are apart. But in the close-up of his feet, his legs are together. (00:08:40)

Continuity mistake: When the Millennium Falcon is being chased by the Empire after leaving Hoth, C-3PO's position in the cockpit keeps changing slightly between shots. At one point he falls towards Chewbacca (with both arms in that direction) but during the in-between cut to Leia, he is also still there (with his left arm extended her way).

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Suggested correction: And in the Star Wars corrections page, you will find that mistake with the explanation that Lawson has used both Denis and Dennis in his career.

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the Snow Speeders are looking for Luke and Han, you can see the blue screen reflected on the angled side of the pilots' goggles. (00:16:00)

Matty W

Revealing mistake: After C-3PO gets shot, as Chewbacca walks over to the door, his right foot crushes one of the steps on a small set of stairs. (01:19:25)

Continuity mistake: The Wampa changes when we see it again in the ice cave. Its fur is less fluffy and its horns are bigger. (00:04:00 - 00:08:45)

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When they are escaping from the Hoth base, Chewbacca enters the Millennium Falcon but when Han and Leia enter some seconds later, Chewbacca is still going inside the spaceship.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: At the fight between Luke and Darth Vader, after Luke pushes Vader to fall down from the top of the hibernating cabin, he looks down with the lighting light sabre in the hand. He goes back and we hear the switch-off sound of the light sabre, he comes back three meters left of the point he looked down and in his hand is the switched-off sabre. But as he goes back before this, we can see the end of the prop-light sabre taken out of Luke's hand and obviously the off-prop sabre is given in his hand.

Continuity mistake: When Han and Leia are bickering in the corridor on Hoth, Han says, " Well, the bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind." In the next shot, behind them, there's a man walking past them that wasn't there in the previous shot. (00:05:55)

Continuity mistake: When Yoda is teaching Luke, he is strapped to Luke's back in a rucksack. When Luke puts Yoda down, the little Jedi master is still inside the bag. Luke then reaches for his jacket, and in the next shot of Yoda, he has in a few seconds managed to get out the bag and is now sitting next to it. He is not even sitting in the same place as in the previous shot, and is also holding a walking stick he didn't have when Luke put him down.

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the stormtroopers push Leia into the cell in Cloud City, she is wearing a completely different outfit from when she was taken captive. (01:25:20 - 01:28:35)

Continuity mistake: In the shot before Luke's hand is cut off, his left arm is bent and his elbow is positioned next to a pole. In the next shot, his arm is straight and his elbow is next to a different pole. Also, his lightsaber is held in a different angle. This is best seen in the widescreen version. (01:45:55)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As already noted in another mistake, when Han is about to be frozen in carbonite, his jacket appears and disappears between shots. This jacket can also be seen when Lando says, "You're being put into carbon freeze." This shot was not fixed in the DVD. (01:35:05)

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Suggested correction: That is a shadow, giving the illusion it's a jacket.

That is incorrect. You can see the contrast between the jacket and the shirt, with the white collar of his shirt sticking out of the brown jacket.


The shadow isn't touching all of the shoulders, which gives the illusion that there is a jacket on him, but there's not.

Revealing mistake: During the battle on Hoth, after Luke says: "Hobbie, you're still with me?", there's a shot of an AT-ST shooting at the rebel and after that, there a shot of an explosion behind them. You can see that the rebels are actually dummies in that shot.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: After Luke places the thermal detonator inside an AT-AT, he falls to the ground. The AT-AT takes only one step before the charge goes off, but when the AT-AT explodes, it is much further away from Luke than one step.

Continuity mistake: In an exterior shot in Cloud City, Leia can be seen through the window of a building, with one hand on her hip and the other arm at her side. In the following interior shot, her hands are clasped together.

Other mistake: When the Millennium Falcon escapes Hoth and is pursued by the Star Destroyers, frantic movements cause them to collide. Watch the interior shot of the Star Destroyer as everybody is thrown around. Near the bottom of the screen one of the computer consoles comes away from the wall and is hurridly pushed back into place by a controller! (00:35:55)

Visible crew/equipment: When Luke's X-Wing crashes into the swamp, the set lighting is visible along the edges of the swamp (most noticeable in the the first shot of him getting out of his ship in the original 1980 version of the film).

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Luke and Vader are fighting in the carbon-freezing room, in the wideshot after Luke does a somersault, a crew member is visible in the steam on the right side of Vader, moving out of the way. (01:40:50)

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Suggested correction: It's Luke, not a crew member.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Trivia: This was the only movie in the Star Wars series until Episode VII in 2015 without a scene on the planet Tattooine.


More trivia for Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Chosen answer: He "searched his feelings" as Vader instructed; he reached out with the Force and felt the truth of the statement.


Answer: The vision Luke sees in the cave on Dagobah is a clue to this. Luke is realizing he has a lot more in common with Darth Vader than the idealized father he'd always imagined. When Vader tells him he's his father, Luke doesn't want to believe it, but he simply can't deny that it feels much more true that his father would be someone passionate and reckless like himself rather than someone who exemplifies a noble Jedi, which feels like an obvious myth in hindsight.


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