Twelve Monkeys

Audio problem: When Cole and Railly discover the twelve monkeys symbol on the walls, Cole grabs Railly's arm and shouts "Hey!" twice, but his lips don't move the second time. (00:57:45)


Audio problem: Just after Goines is talking about germs, he says he can get help Cole get out. Cole then says "You know how to get out of here?", but his lips say something else.


Continuity mistake: In the final scene in which a man is shot in the airport (part of this scene actually recurs throughout the movie), the psychiatrist woman leans over him to hold him as he dies. From one angle, he reaches up to her face and his hand is clean. In the next angle, his hand is covered in blood as he touches her face.

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Jeffrey Goines: ...and if you forget one thing, I will have you shaved, sterilized, and destroyed.

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Trivia: Terry Gilliam was almost killed in a horse-riding accident during production of this movie.

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Question: There are marked similarities between Cole's present day asylum and his future world, such as the showers he receives, and the scientists/doctors. What is the significance of these parallels? Do they have a hidden meaning?

Answer: It is meant to draw similarities between the treatment of the mentally ill and convicted felons. Quite often, even today, the mentally ill are housed and treated in facilities that are little better (for quality of life or prospects of rehabilitation) than prisons.

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