Twelve Monkeys

Factual error: The bullet removed from Cole's leg is totally undamaged. Even a full metal jacket bullet will be squashed when it hits a person's leg (and stops inside the leg).

Jacob La Cour

Factual error: In the beginning, James is collecting insects but it is cold enough for snow. Insects don't stay exposed to the cold like that.

Factual error: In the madhouse scene where Brad Pitt is jumping on beds and ripping up pillows, feathers are strewn about. Feather pillows are never used in secure facilities, for sanitary and allergic reasons.


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Wallace: Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a fuckin' crazy dentist.

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Trivia: Terry Gilliam was almost killed in a horse-riding accident during production of this movie.

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Question: There are marked similarities between Cole's present day asylum and his future world, such as the showers he receives, and the scientists/doctors. What is the significance of these parallels? Do they have a hidden meaning?

Answer: It is meant to draw similarities between the treatment of the mentally ill and convicted felons. Quite often, even today, the mentally ill are housed and treated in facilities that are little better (for quality of life or prospects of rehabilitation) than prisons.

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