Twelve Monkeys

When mental patient Bruce Willis is sent back in time to find information on a deadly virus that will destroy 5 billion human beings in 1996-1997, he mistakenly arrives in 1990. After explaining his plea to Madeleine Stowe, he is placed in a mental institution. In 1996, he kidnaps Stowe, using her to find the 12 Monkeys, a group of revolutionists that are planning to release the virus into select cities. But, he is wanted by the authorities for murder and kidnapping, plus he refuses to return to the future, because he is in love with Stowe.

Continuity mistake: When Cole (Willis) asks Dr. Railly (Stowe) to turn up the radio as they are driving to Philadelphia, the camera cuts to her hand working the radio. The numbers on the radio clearly move as if being tuned, not the volume being raised.

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Wallace: Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a fuckin' crazy dentist.

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Trivia: Terry Gilliam was almost killed in a horse-riding accident during production of this movie.

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Answer: Cole is screaming "Stop!" so you can't hear what the soldier is saying. If you mean all of it, it's in the line of asking what he is doing there, calling the captain to have a look, ask him where his clothes are, and telling him to speak French.


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