Easy Rider

Revealing mistake: When Wyatt, Billy, and the stranger they had just picked up are sitting at the campfire their shadows on the rock are not in any proper projection from the fire, plus, they are totally still. (00:22:10)


Continuity mistake: Billy and Wyatt and the two commune women are having a swim in a water basin. Wyatt is sitting on the rim, splashing his feet in the water, and 'his' girl starts swimming towards him. Then it cuts to a frontal close-up of her smiling at him, but you can still see his feet splashing in the background. (00:39:30)


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Billy: You must be some important dude, man. Like, that treatment.
George Hanson: Dude? What does he mean, dude? Dude ranch?
Billy: Dude.
Captain America: Hell no. Dude means - nice guy, you know. Dude means: regular sort of person.
George Hanson: Well, you boys don't look like you're from this part of the country.

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More trivia for Easy Rider

Question: What kind of dirt bikes are they riding in the opening scene of Easy Rider? Is it Harley?

Answer: Hopper is riding something British, Triumph or BSA. Hard to tell them apart and both were real common at the time.

More questions & answers from Easy Rider

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