Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the train scene, Spider-Man's mask had gone partially black. We also see it when Spidey puts his mask back on. Yet when Doc brings him to Harry, we don't even see a patch of darkness on his mask.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: On the way to the theater Peter intercepts a police officer chasing a couple of criminals. At the end of that scene one of the police cars has a tremendous wreck that swings the car sideways. There is a clear shot of the driver with a black helmet on.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Peter has a small horseshoe-shaped scar on his right cheek. In Dr. Octopus's lab, as Octopus is destroying the fusion reactor, they share a meaningful look and the scar has switched cheeks. (00:26:15 - 01:46:15)

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Aunt May hugs Peter near her "hero" speech, she hugs him with her head to his left shoulder. The shot changes and you see that she is now on Peter's right shoulder. The shot changes back and you see her on his left shoulder again.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Peter saves the child (Venus Lam) from the burning building, right after the jump over the floor opening, the child stands up to help Peter we can see she wears knee pads under her pajamas.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Peter is riding his scooter to Mary Jane's play, after the music fades out you see a black convertible being chased by several police cars. The black convertible is rammed forcibly, and you see many hideous dents on the side of the car. Thirty seconds later, after Peter is done talking to the kids, we see the same car from the same side it got rammed into, but the hideous dents have vanished. (00:24:25)

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Other mistake: At the end, when Peter saves Mary Jane from the collapsing structure, he jumps up in the air and swings her to safety. However if you look at the web he is holding onto it is hanging down vertically. What did he attach the web to that was directly above him, the sky? Every bit of the structure around him was/had collapsed and the only thing remotely close to swing from was the cranes. Yet we see that was quite a distance away, so Peter would have had to shoot the web away from himself not above him. (01:47:50)


Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Peter stops the elevated train with many webs, a tear appears in his suit on the inside left arm during a closeup. Later, when his arms are still outstreched, there are many shots where you can see that the tear has disappeared; for example, a few shots later when he is still trying to stop the train; when the passengers are lifting him over their heads into the train; and many others.


Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On his last pizza delivery before he gets fired, when it first cuts to the receptionist and the room that she is in, the clock is very high up in this shot, above the receptionist's head, then in the following shot when the receptionist is looking in Peter's direction, the clock is much lower. (00:05:35)


Spider-Man 2 trivia picture

Trivia: Spider-Man creator Stan Lee makes his standard cameo appearance for this film when Spider-Man and Doc Ock are fighting on the side of the building. The first shot of the street during the fight shows a woman being pushed out of the way as some debris falls; the man pushing her is Lee.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Doc Ock escapes from the hospital, he hits a taxi with his tentacle. The taxi goes flying and is about to land on its roof in the middle of the street. The next shot however shows the taxi landing on top of another one, and the taxi is right side up.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the "I've changed" conversation with Mary Jane, the taxi is right next to her as she turns towards it (you can see its roof next to her face), yet in the very next shot she has to cross the street to get to it.


Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right before Spidey stops the train there's a lot of people inside next to him. Then a wide shot later they've vanished only to reappear a shot later.


Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter/Spider-Man has his first web failure and falls on the pipes on the building's roof, he keeps his hands free in one shot and then his right hand is put on his chest in the next.

Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Spidey falls on a puddle and takes off his mask, his hair completely messy and wet. A frame later, when he is about to climb a wall, it's neat and brushed.


Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After he watches Mary Jane exiting from the theatre with her boyfriend, Peter is running in the alley to put on the costume. On the wet ground you can see the traces of the tires belonging to the camera car used to shoot the scene.

Plot hole: Harry tells Doc Ock that in order to find Spider-Man he must find Peter first. Doc Ock finds Peter with Mary Jane in the cafe and throws a car through the window straight at them, then later throws Peter against a brick wall. Any normal person would've been killed instantly (or very badly injured), and Doc Ock doesn't yet know that Peter is Spider-Man. Given that Peter is his only lead on Spider-Man, it makes no sense that Doc Ock would try to kill him.

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Suggested correction: Doc Ock is being controlled by the arms. They aren't behaving rationally.

Creating a series of silly explanations for obvious plot holes never resolves them. These arms were not behaving irrationally. In many scenes they were shown to be very intelligent. A good example is the scene where they attack doctors who try to remove them from Doc Ock's body. Saying that they weren't behaving rationally is absurd.

He may not have been trying to kill Peter, he could've been trying to make more of a scene of his entry, so Peter would take him more seriously and tell him where Spider-Man was. He could've been thinking of it as a risk of killing Peter though, but his arms made him go crazy.

This is only a theory. Theories never resolve mistakes.

It's not a theory. When Otto is first giving his demonstration to everybody at his apartment, a woman asks if the advanced AI for the tentacles would make him susceptible to being controlled. Otto says that yes it would so he shows everybody the inhibitor chip that he designed so he would not fall under its control. After the inhibitor chip gets destroyed, it's seen that the tentacles have not only taken control of his mind by forcing him to commit crimes, but have slowly driven him insane.

This scene is much too confusing for many people. This entry is correct. This is a mistake.

If these tentacles wanted him to finish the experiment then they wouldn't make him kill the person who has valuable information for him.

The arms are influencing his thoughts but not controlling every part of him. Doc Ock still seems to have control when defending himself but they seem to work in tandem with Ock. The only time they work on their own is when he under anesthetic. As we don't see him before he throws the car, we can only speculate the arms were trying to hurt Peter by themselves.


It's a cool scene regardless man.


Killing Peter would probably send a message to Spider-Man as well, so Ock probably wasn't concerned about being gentle.

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Dr. Otto Octavius: I finally got lucky in love when I met Rosie here. She was discussing T.S. Eliot, and I was discussing... I still don't know what she was talking about!

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Trivia: Dr. Curt Connors, Peter's one-armed teacher in the film, is the man who will later become The Lizard, one of Spider-Man's longest running enemies.

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Answer: While it's never mentioned in the film, the most likely explanation is that Harry, as a rich kid, grew tired of "slumming it" and decided to move back into his mansion.

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