
Easter egg: On the widescreen DVD at the main menu click on the symbol in the middle for an alternate main menu.

Factual error: When the French are besieging the English Castle at night, their archers appear to be using longbows that were used exclusively by the Welsh and English in the hundred years war.

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Marek: I just delivered her to the French for safekeeping. How did the English get her?
Professor Johnston: It's history.
Marek: Then history will change.

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Trivia: Timeline was filmed with no CGI. The battle scenes, time transport, etc, were all created through other filming techniques...although a few of the scenes are slightly computer enhanced.

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Question: Why is it that they aren't allowed to bring any modern weapons into the past? The grenade didn't seem to be affected. A simple air gun with tranquilizer darts would be enough just for protection.

Answer: Because you can never know what kind of influence the discovery of such a thing by the local people would have on any of those involved. The grenade was not supposed to get sent back, but since it exploded, not enough pieces are left for local people to wonder about them if ever they find some. That would not be the case for a full weapon.


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