Death Becomes Her
Movie Quote Quiz

Madeleine: You should learn not to compete with me. I always win.
Helen: You may have always won, but you never played fair.
Madeleine: Who cares how I played? I won.

Madeline Ashton: Wrinkled, wrinkled little star... hope they never see the scars.

Helen: Ernest, ask me to go. Ask me to leave this house immediately.
Ernest: You just got here.

Anna: I am sorry, but the plasma separation is a very traumatic process to the body! Our policy prohibits more than one in a six-month period.
Madeline: So? It's been nearly that long already.
Anna: Miss Ashton, you had one three weeks ago.

Ernest: Is this an angel I see before me?

Lisle: He won't get far. Not at his age.

Ernest Menville: 'Til death do us part! Well, you girls are dead. And I'm parting.

Helen: She married a brilliant surgeon, and turned him into an undertaker.

Madeline Ashton: Oh, for Christ's sake, at least lie quickly.
Dakota: I'm trying to.

Continuity mistake: When Hellen kisses Madeleine at the party, the lip-mark is further to the right than it should have been, taken from the position of Hellen's head during the kiss.

Jacob La Cour

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Question: When Helen and Madelin are fighting with the shovels, Helen whacks off the end of Madelin's shovel, and then Madelin throws the stick through Helen. How did they achieve this effect?


Chosen answer: CGI, just like any other difficult effect.

Grumpy Scot

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