Dead Again

Kenneth Branaugh plays a present-day journalist who ends up caring for a mute amnesiac played by Emma Thompson. They visit an antique dealer who can hypnotize people, and, through hypnosis, she is able to speak. The dealer regresses her into a previous life where she recalls a couple from post WWII L.A. - the man a conductor and the woman a concert pianist. After an argument one night, the woman is murdered with a pair of scissors in her own bed. The conductor is convicted of the crime and executed. Both are reincarnated - but as the opposite gender - and karma intervenes to bring the soulmates together and set the universe right.

Turns out, the hypnotist is the son of the conductor's housekeeper and the pianist's true killer. Emma Thompson's recalled memories lead him to try and kill her again, and he dies when he lands on a pair of scissors Emma Thompson had sculpted.


Continuity mistake: Ken Branagh and Emma Thompson go into a restaurant, where they greet the owner as Ray. Ray then tells them that the place has no drinks licence and no music because Al the piano player is sick. Minutes later Branagh exclaims "What's going on? I can't believe it. No booze, and Ray's sick."

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Cozy Carlisle: Hey, thumbdick, I was a damn good shrink. Nineteen years I worked with a lot of people through a lot of shit. OK, I slept with a patient or two. It's not like I didn't care about them. I loved being a doctor. I used to not charge half my patients. Then the fucking state comes along, they send in some bitch undercover, and I'm fucked. Life isn't fair, is it?

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Trivia: When the audience first meets Mike Church, he's sitting in his car, which is parked on the wrong side of the street. While most people believe this is because Kenneth Branagh is from the United Kingdom (where they drive on the opposite side of the road), it is actually because behind him are a number of skyscrapers that he, as the director, wanted included in the background.

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