Dead Again

Dead Again (1991)

1 corrected entry

(2 votes)

Corrected entry: At the end we find out that Emma Thompson was in fact the Kenneth Branagh character in the past, but under hypnosis she relives a conversation between Emma Thompson and Andy Garcia (next to the swimming pool) can she have known about this conversation if she was really the Branagh character in the past and wasn't there during the conversation?

Correction: She knew about the conversation, because the hypnosis guy told her to be like an observer, she didn't know who she was at that point. So she was simply observing the conversation.

Continuity mistake: In the part where Mike Church visits Gray Baker in the nursing home, he asks Mr. Baker what Roman Strauss said when asked if he really killed his wife. They show a flashback to when this happened and Roman bends over to tell Mr. Baker the answer. In the next shot Roman is standing up again, and then he is shown bending over again.

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Cozy Carlisle: Hey, thumbdick, I was a damn good shrink. Nineteen years I worked with a lot of people through a lot of shit. OK, I slept with a patient or two. It's not like I didn't care about them. I loved being a doctor. I used to not charge half my patients. Then the fucking state comes along, they send in some bitch undercover, and I'm fucked. Life isn't fair, is it?

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