Dead Again

Continuity mistake: In the part where Mike Church visits Gray Baker in the nursing home, he asks Mr. Baker what Roman Strauss said when asked if he really killed his wife. They show a flashback to when this happened and Roman bends over to tell Mr. Baker the answer. In the next shot Roman is standing up again, and then he is shown bending over again.

Continuity mistake: Ken Branagh and Emma Thompson go into a restaurant, where they greet the owner as Ray. Ray then tells them that the place has no drinks licence and no music because Al the piano player is sick. Minutes later Branagh exclaims "What's going on? I can't believe it. No booze, and Ray's sick."

Continuity mistake: In the part where Mike Church visits Gray Baker in the nursing home, he asks Mr. Baker what Roman Strauss said when asked if he really killed his wife. They show a flashback to when this happened and Roman bends over to tell Mr. Baker the answer. In the next shot Roman is standing up again, and then he is shown bending over again.

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Franklyn Madson: Well I, for one, am v-v-very interested to see w-w-what's going to happen next.

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Trivia: When the audience first meets Mike Church, he's sitting in his car, which is parked on the wrong side of the street. While most people believe this is because Kenneth Branagh is from the United Kingdom (where they drive on the opposite side of the road), it is actually because behind him are a number of skyscrapers that he, as the director, wanted included in the background.

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