Dark City
Dark City mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While John and Emma are talking on the phone at the prison, Emma smiles and says she loves him. In the shots of John, we can see her reflection and she is not smiling. (01:05:00)


Dark City mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Murdock is in jail talking with Emma on the phones through the glass, he presses his fingers to hers, against the glass, & the glass shatters. Right when it is shattering & he pulls away, if you look very carefully you can see the reflection of his hand in an additional pane of glass that is still there! The next shot shows no glass as they kiss, but when the original glass breaks, there is still a pane of glass remaining, as evidenced by the reflection of his hand. (01:05:08)

Continuity mistake: When Emma is protecting John at the top of the stairs and he says, "I didn't kill anyone," her hand is at her side. In the next shot, her arm is raised in front of him. One shot later, it's back at her side. (00:23:40)


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John Murdoch: I was just thinking, what you do seems kind of dangerous right now. I mean, how do you know I'm not the killer?
May: I don't. Why, you feeling any urges I should know about?

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Trivia: The rooftop Murdoch runs across, is the same one Trinity runs across in The Matrix.

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