Dark City

Continuity mistake: When Emma is protecting John at the top of the stairs and he says, "I didn't kill anyone," her hand is at her side. In the next shot, her arm is raised in front of him. One shot later, it's back at her side. (00:23:40)


Dark City mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While John and Emma are talking on the phone at the prison, Emma smiles and says she loves him. In the shots of John, we can see her reflection and she is not smiling. (01:05:00)


Dark City mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Murdock is in jail talking with Emma on the phones through the glass, he presses his fingers to hers, against the glass, & the glass shatters. Right when it is shattering & he pulls away, if you look very carefully you can see the reflection of his hand in an additional pane of glass that is still there! The next shot shows no glass as they kiss, but when the original glass breaks, there is still a pane of glass remaining, as evidenced by the reflection of his hand. (01:05:08)

Continuity mistake: Murdoch has to break in a window to escape from being crushed by a building. The first scene shows him kicking in the window with many jagged pieces at the top of the window frame. Another scene then shows Murdoch still removing the glass, but now there are only two smooth fragments at the top of the window. We then see Murdoch moving his head through the window and entering into a room with no glass at the top of the window frame. All the while, during those three quick scenes, there was no effort by Murdoch to clear the broken glass at the top of the window. (00:59:25)

Larry Koehn

Continuity mistake: The hole in the Shell Beach poster is a different shape when Murdoch tears it than after he punches through the brick wall behind it - the poster runs right up to the hole. (01:15:30)


Continuity mistake: When Bumstead confronts Emma and John outside their apartment, Emma just catches up to John and steps in front of him with her right hand in his side. In the next shot, her left hand has swung around and is gripping his sleeve. (00:23:30)


Continuity mistake: When Emma is singing the 2nd time in some shots her left ear is covered by her hair and in some it is exposed. (00:41:20)


Continuity mistake: While John and Emma are talking on the phone at the prison, Emma's hand changes position on the receiver from shot to shot. (01:04:30)


Continuity mistake: When Murdoch falls off the building and grabs the fire escape, he catches the handrail. Two shots later, he pulls himself up from the bars. (00:59:00)


Continuity mistake: In the interrogation scene, Bumstead says, "Every time I try to rearrange the pieces it still doesn't make any sense." While he says this, he hits the table and indicates the objects scattered on it, but in the next shot his hand is raised and palm up. (01:01:40)


Continuity mistake: After Mr. Hand is imprinted, in the shot as the machine raises him, his headband is shifted slightly over his right eyebrow. In every other shot, the headband is exactly centered over his nose. (00:43:05)


Continuity mistake: When John is in front of the shop window trying to remember his first name, there is a small sign in the window saying "Back at 3 o'clock." A few shots later when John starts spinning in a circle, the sign is backwards, revealing a flipped shot.


Continuity mistake: When John falls down after reading the newspaper clippings in front of the Shell Beach billboard, one of the Strangers can be seen approaching him on the far left of the screen, in front of a window at the top of some stairs. But in the next shot, the Stranger is suddenly further down the stairs.


Continuity mistake: When Mr. Hand pricks Emma's throat, the blood moves from the middle of her neck to just under her jawbone and changes shape between the closeup and the larger shot. (01:17:25)


Continuity mistake: Emma steps in front of John to protect him from Bumstead at their apartment and says, "You have the wrong man." But in the previous shot and the next one, she is about two feet farther to John's left. (00:23:35)


Continuity mistake: At the part when Mr. Sleep scratches his knife against the wall and Murdoch falls out of the doorway. The door is on the right side, but when they show the downward shot, it is on the other side. (01:00:00)

Continuity mistake: When John is visited in jail by Emma, he is escorted by one policeman. A second policeman then magically appears in the close-up.

Continuity mistake: When Emma is protecting John at the top of the stairs and he says, "I didn't kill anyone," her hand is at her side. In the next shot, her arm is raised in front of him. One shot later, it's back at her side. (00:23:40)


More mistakes in Dark City

John Murdoch: I was just thinking, what you do seems kind of dangerous right now. I mean, how do you know I'm not the killer?
May: I don't. Why, you feeling any urges I should know about?

More quotes from Dark City

Trivia: In the scene where the two buildings are Tuned together to crush Murdoch, it was done without CGI. The director actually created two giant buildings on wheels and rolled them together. (00:59:10)


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