The Crow

The Crow (1994)

31 mistakes

(11 votes)

Continuity mistake: When Eric reaches forward to touch Top Dollar's face to show him Shelley's thirty hours of suffering, he reaches up with his right hand, but in the next shot, his left hand is on Top Dollar's face followed by his right hand. (01:29:45)

Audio problem: When Shelly is being wheeled away in the beginning, she makes a strained gasping sound right before they put the oxygen mask back on her. But her gasp doesn't match her mouth movements. In fact, it's impossible to make the sound she made with the mouth movements she made. Try it yourself. It almost looks like she's saying "F**k" or something similar, and they just dubbed it over with a gasp. Additionally, the gasp is far too loud and clear given how softly she's speaking. Bad looping.


Deliberate mistake: When Eric first enters his old apartment, watch very closely. When he first wanders in the room, his body has a slightly weird jitter and blur to it that doesn't quite match his movements. This is because the footage of Eric walking through the doorway is actually taken from the scene in the alley. They "cut" Brandon Lee out of that scene and inserted him into the apartment since they didn't have a shot of him. But unfortunately, it has some odd "glitches" due the footage not quite matching.


The Crow mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The can Albrecht drops on the floor when Eric visits moves places without anyone touching it. When Eric says about the hat still being on it's on the wooden flooring. When he walks past to read the file a few minutes later the can is on the carpet. (00:43:25)


The Crow mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Top Dollar shows a snow globe to a female companion near the start. Her grip on the snow globe changes instantly. In some shots she has her fingers on the glass and not in others. (00:23:35)


Continuity mistake: When Sara is going to the abandoned building and takes off some wood pieces, the gap between the pieces increases between shots. (01:01:00)


Continuity mistake: When Eric puts Fun Boy in the tub and runs the water on him the shower head changes position between shots. (00:40:25)


The Crow mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sarah is skateboarding, and the guy in the car yells at her to get out of the road, she pushes with her right foot and has her left foot in front (a "Regular" stance), but in the next shot she is riding "goofy" stance (right foot front), with no time to change stances. (00:24:25)

Continuity mistake: Officer Albrecht gets out his car and takes aim at Eric from behind the car door. The camera changes and Albrecht is walking forward without closing the car door or going round it. (00:30:50)


Continuity mistake: Eric smashes the door to Gideon's Pawn Shop and stays outside. The shot shows Gideon on the floor then Eric about 6 foot inside the door. Not enough time has passed for him to get that far. (00:26:00)


Continuity mistake: When Gideon is in the bar, he takes the top off the bottle just as the other bloke grabs it. The second bloke then proceeds to take the top off the bottle again. (00:41:35)


Albrecht: Police! Don't move! I said, don't move!
Eric Draven: I thought the police always said freeze.
Albrecht: Well, I am the police, and I say, "Don't move" Snow White. You move, you're dead.
Eric Draven: And I say I'm dead and I move.

More quotes from The Crow

Trivia: In one of the flashback scenes, we see T-Bird reading from a book - "Abashed the devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is." The book is Milton's Paradise Lost. (NOTE: the line after this sounds like it is also a quote from the book, but it is not) David Patrick Kelly, who played T-Bird was so into his character that he bought an antique copy of the book. It is this we see him holding in the scene.

More trivia for The Crow

Chosen answer: Eliza is Eliza Hutton. She was Brandon Lee's fiance at the time of his death. They were supposed to be married only weeks after Lee died.

T Poston

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