The Crow

Plot hole: Eric and Shelly were killed because they were trying to fight tenant eviction. Yet, a year later the building is seemingly abandoned. Eric and Shelly's stuff is even still there. So what were they killed for if nothing was ever done with the building?

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Eric kidnaps T-Bird and forces him to drive the hot-rod to the dock, Eric holds a large silver revolver up to T-Bird's head, then removes a black automatic from T-Bird's hand and drops it into the front floorboard. A few moments into the chase we see Eric holding the black automatic to the side of T-Bird's head, and the silver revolver is gone.

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Sarah: People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the Land of the Dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can not rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.

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Trivia: Right after Gideon's Pawn Shop blows up and the police officer and Eric are talking, the officer yells at the people looting the shop; one looter is running away with a TV set. This is actually James O'Barr, creator of The Crow comic series! He was on the set one day and the filmmakers asked if he wanted to be in the movie.

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Question: In this movie Eric came back one year after his murder, but why in the other movies do the others come back shortly after their deaths?

Answer: There is no explaination given in the films, they are just brought back when the crow feels it is the right time to avenge their murder.

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