Conspiracy Theory

Continuity mistake: When Jerry is on the bus with Alice, one second he's wearing his hat, he takes it off, then the next second it's back on, then it disappears for the rest of the scene.

Continuity mistake: In one scene when Jerry is entering the Federal Building, he starts through the metal detector, and he is stopped by a guard, and is asked for his keys, so he does not set off the alarm. Problem is, the guard, immediately hands the keys back to him, through the arch of the metal detector, yet it does not set off the alarm.

Continuity mistake: When Jerry is captured and strapped in a wheel chair, in his escape attempt he is rolling down a stair and the two footholds of the chair brake. Two seconds later, while the chair keeps rolling, the footholds break for the second time.

Continuity mistake: When Jerry first returns to his home he unlocks the fridge and takes out a container of food. Shortly afterwards he spoons some food into his mouth. He then puts the spoon back in his mouth with the bowl of the spoon inverted to lick it again. The camera immediately cuts to a different angle. He removes the spoon from his mouth but now the bowl of the spoon is the right way up.

Continuity mistake: When Jerry is on the bus with Alice, one second he's wearing his hat, he takes it off, then the next second it's back on, then it disappears for the rest of the scene.

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Agent Lowry: If the intelligence community is a family, think of us as the uncle no one talks about.

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Question: Shouldn't Dr Jonas and his men have been arrested for what they did? And shouldn't the guys who employed have been arrested too?

Answer: They may have been arrested eventually but it would only happen after a lengthy and involved investigation that would extend beyond the movie's timeline.

raywest Premium member

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