Con Air

Factual error: The tour plane departs Carson City, but shortly later Larkin says that the hijacked plane was over Arizona (still believing it to be the hijacked C-123, not knowing yet that the tour plane has the transponder of the C-123 on board). Even if we take the NorthWestern-most area of Arizona, that would be over 300 statute miles from Carson City. That small plane can not fly over 300 miles in that short time. (00:59:25)

Plot hole: In one shot before the almost-collision between the C-123 and the Cessna, you see both of the planes on/above a runway. In the next shot, just before the almost-collision, you see the C-123 from behind, with the Cessna in front of it, but this shot is not on that runway anymore, it looks like a taxiway, and there is some airport building in close proximity at the end of it. Nobody would intend to land there (this is before the evasive maneuvre of both). (01:06:05)

Continuity mistake: Colm's car gets hooked up to the plane and then, after crashing into the watchtower, falls to the ground. If you watch the shots of the car falling you can see John Cusack's arms go from folded to at his side multiple times. You never see him move them, they just appear to have changed positions. (01:28:35)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Diamond Dog puts the hat on in the plane after it's hijacked, he puts it on backwards.A second later, it's on straight without him turning it around. (00:43:55)

Plot hole: Cyrus takes over the plane and tells the pilot not to radio anyone and then leaves the cockpit, no one is watching the pilot why doesn't he report the take over on the radio?

Continuity mistake: Coe releases Pinball's dead body from the forward landing gear bay and pushes it out of the aircraft. The landing gear then starts to retract. Cut to a wide shot of the aircraft with Pinball's body falling away, and the forward landing gear is retracted, and the landing bay doors fully closed. Cut to Poe in the landing gear bay, and the gear is still retracting, and the bay doors are wide open. (00:52:00)

Revealing mistake: After the plane crashes in Las Vegas, the police pull Johnny 23's body from the cuffs. His arm is clearly made of wax because the fingers are stuck together and they don't fall when the arm swings around. (01:39:35)

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, Nicholas Cage is supposed to be an Airborne Ranger. His uniform is correct for someone being in the 75th Ranger Regiment but his hair is entirely too long. Rangers are required to keep their hair EXTREMELY short. (00:01:25)

Factual error: In the movie the officers are seen wearing brown shirts and pants. Officers in the federal bureau of prisons do not wear brown, they wear white shirts and grey pants. (00:14:40)

Character mistake: When Cyrus and Johnny-23 are talking they both pronounce the Spanish version of Johnny-23's name as Juaniyo. That is not how Johnny is pronounced in Spanish. It is pronounced Juanito with a T. Normally I would have chalked it up as a language barrier but Danny Trejo is of Spanish ancestry. He should have known better. (00:20:41)

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Suggested correction: "Juanillo" is another, though less common, diminutive of Juan.


I can appreciate you doing a google search but you would have noticed in your google search that the Juanillo you speak or is predominantly an Asian name and is not a translation of Johnny in Spanish. I am Spanish and can assure you that it was a mistake as Juanito is the correct pronunciation. Thank you for doing your due diligence however he was not playing the role if an Asian.

It should be pointed out that there's a town in Mexico called Juanillo and Juanillo Beach is in the Dominican Republic. So it is a word Hispanic and Latinos might be aware of.


Don't know why the previous guy said that Juanillo is not a common name in Spain... I am Spanish and know 2 guys that go by the name Juanillo. I would say that not only Juanillo and Juanito, but also Juanele are commonly used in Spain and probably Latin America as well.

Factual error: When John Cusack is driving the old Corvette to Lerner Field he shifts the car. He is going way too fast to be shifting from second to third so apparently he is shifting from fourth to overdrive. The only problem is that five speed transmissions weren't available until much later. In fact, on these old transmissions, shifting up and to the right from fourth would put you in reverse. (01:00:50)

Continuity mistake: When the plane is crashing into the hotel, it crashes into a white corvette. Then it cuts to another scene, then it cuts to back outside, and you see the plane crash into the corvette again, from a different angle. Then it does the same thing 2 more times, until the plane is actually stopped. After it cuts to another scene outside, you see the same corvette, with only a flaming piece of metal on the hood, not completely shattered like it should be. (01:37:30)

Con Air mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When the Poe family is reunited, Trisha can be seen holding on to Casey in the close-up. When Casey hugs Cameron in the wide shot, Trisha is not holding her.

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Suggested correction: She pulled away from her mom and went to her dad.


Other mistake: After Pinball douses "Cochise" with flammable liquid, the match he throws extinguishes before it leaves his hand. (00:22:45)

Continuity mistake: When Cameron and Diamond Dog go into the belly to inspect what's wrong with the landing gear, Cameron flips a switch to turn on the lights on the floor of the belly. When he does this, you can see a lot of boxes between the landing gear and the ladder that him and Diamond Dog climbed down. But, as they head to the back to look at the landing gear, all the boxes are now gone.

Character mistake: When they decide to crash land the plane and touch down on the road the pilot either doesn't cut power to the engines or doesn't shut them off. Towards the end, it looks like the engine is still at full power.

Continuity mistake: In the extended edition, after Johnny attacks Guard Bishop and is stopped by Cameron, the cons run back to the plane to escape, and all of a sudden Johnny appears from nowhere with a gun and is shot, when he was just on the plane being beaten up by Cameron, and is then shown being put in chains by Cameron back on board the plane.

Continuity mistake: When Pinball leaves the plane, he opens a door under the cargo hold, and he never makes it back on the plane, but when the plane is taking off, that door is now closed. (00:43:00)


Garland Greene: Define irony - a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.

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Trivia: At the end of the movie, the plane is crashing into the front of a casino. This building is actually The Sands hotel. The scene was done a few weeks/months before the hotel was demolished, this way the damages to the hotels entrance as the plane was launched into it didn't matter.

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Question: Why did Poe get back onto the plane when it left Carson city? I know he stayed on after the first stop cause Cyrus wouldn't let Baby-o off and Poe needed to get him his insulin shot. But he got his shot in Carson city and Poe had no reason to get back on (seemed even more ludicrous after he tied the plane up.but anyway).

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Poe is an ex-Ranger, and he wants to stop the criminals. Also he wanted to save the cops inside the airplane.

Anastasios Anastasatos

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