Con Air

Continuity mistake: The plane began its flight in the desert just outside Las Vegas in broad daylight (the sun was still shining). But when they reach the strip it is late at night. (01:28:00 - 01:34:50)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the plane has crashed in Las Vegas, Cameron Poe rescues the bunny (his daughter's birthday gift) from the sewer/gutter. The bunny is obviously soaking wet since it had just been floating down the street in a stream of water. Later, when he gives the bunny to his daughter, it is dirty, but dry. It is clear because the ears are sticking up and bouncing, and the fur is fluffy. (01:44:50 - 01:46:35)

Continuity mistake: Near the end when Cyrus is about to get his head crushed, he falls from the carousel head first and as he falls his legs are facing the stone crusher but for some reason his head lands under the crusher not his legs. (01:44:20)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car hits the control tower and falls. You can see the "azz kickr" licence plate still intact. A few seconds later a crumpled up licence plate that says "azz kickr" is picked up by Colm Meany. That plate is meant to have come from the front of the car, but we've seen before there was no plate at the front. (01:28:40)

Continuity mistake: When Malloy's car comes crashing to the ground, not only do Larkin's arms rapidly change position, his sunglasses seem to rapidly jump onto, and off, his face. (01:28:35)

Continuity mistake: At the air field there is a scene when Cyrus is loading his gun. If you look closely at the clip you will see that it is hollow. You can see right through it. (01:22:05)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Pinball is fighting the female guard on the plane they are struggling, and from one angle her hat has fallen off and from another angle she is still wearing it. It jumps between scenes like this with her hat being on and off. (00:24:03)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we see the close-up shot of Steve Buscemi grabbing the doll, he is picking it up with his right hand. But in the next shot, when you see a wider view of him picking it up, it is now in his left hand. (01:12:55)

Continuity mistake: While landing at Lerner, the C-123 has to lift and fly over the Cessna to avoid a crash. As it touches down again, the pilot of the Cessna has to duck to avoid being hit. Given the landing speed of the C-123 it would be a very long way down the runway at touchdown and no where near were the pilot jumped from the Cessna. (01:06:15)

Dennis Gannon

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Cameron Poe's stubble length changes noticeably while they are on the plane. At one point when him, the guard and Baby-O are about to jump off the plane after taking off from Lerner Airfield it has almost disappeared. (01:13:25 - 01:28:10)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car crashes into the tower, you can clearly see when it goes through that the car is not attached to anything, the rope that was pulling the car has gone, yet when the car lands on the ground you can see the rope still attached to the car. (01:28:30)

Continuity mistake: When Pinball is looking for the three convicts who are to get off at Carson City, Cyrus and Billy Bedlam are standing near the front of the plane. Cyrus says, "The pilot's white," which prompts a laugh from Billy Bedlam. When Billy smiles his teeth are perfectly white - in the rest of the movie they are yellow and stained. (00:32:10)

Continuity mistake: When Diamond Dog opens the door in the floor and tells Poe to go down to take care of the landing-gear problem, he has plenty of sweat in his face (downright wet and reflecting). In the next shot he has barely a trace of sweat in his face. (00:52:55)

Continuity mistake: When the plane is at Carson City for exchange of prisoners, the guards have jackets with 'Dept of Prisons' printed on the back, but there is a bus with 'Bureau of Prisons' written on the side. (00:35:50)

Continuity mistake: When the C-123 lands at Lerner it stops with its nose down in the dirt which would have done serious damage to the thin skin. Later as it heads toward Las Vegas, there is no visible damage to the nose. (01:06:55 - 01:27:45)

Dennis Gannon

Continuity mistake: When Sandino is getting ready to leave the others behind, Larkin opens the tarp to the garage and is blown backwards by the engines. He then runs from the garage, the plane then comes from the garage nose first facing Larkin after it's engines were just facing Larkin. How could it turn around in that small of space? (01:18:20)

Continuity mistake: When Steve Buscemi and the little girl are sitting at the table in the swimming pool, right before they start to sing, the fruit on the plate changes position. (01:17:10)

Continuity mistake: When Larkin is in the tower, the C-123 heads straight to the tower. When the shot cuts away, the plane flies right over it. In the next shot, from the side, the plane flies past the tower next to it. And in the next shot it's even banked in a curve, again next to the tower, although the camera is on the tower. (01:05:50)

Continuity mistake: During the battle at Lerner field, Poe drives a burning police car from the boneyard and leaves it right at the ramp at the rear of the plane, and then ties the plane up to the post. When the plane goes to take off and Cyrus sees the plane is tied up, the burning police car is nowhere to be seen.

Steve Kozak

Plot hole: The convicts remove the radar transponder from the Conair aircraft and put it aboard a tour plane to distract their pursuers. That won't work. By law the tour plane will have a working radar transponder of its own, and two working transponders that close together will show up on radar as a collision. Air traffic controllers would immediately alert emergency services who would, obviously, wonder how two aircraft that had collided had managed to stay in the air. Nobody disconnects the first transponder - Pinball carelessly tosses the second transponder under the rear seat of the aircraft (the implication being that it continues to operate, perhaps on backup battery power). He doesn't disconnect the original transponder either - Swamp Thing, a skilled pilot, does that. There is no time for him to do any of this before he is stopped by the female security guard anyway.

More mistakes in Con Air

Garland Greene: Define irony - a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.

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More trivia for Con Air

Question: Why did Poe get back onto the plane when it left Carson city? I know he stayed on after the first stop cause Cyrus wouldn't let Baby-o off and Poe needed to get him his insulin shot. But he got his shot in Carson city and Poe had no reason to get back on (seemed even more ludicrous after he tied the plane up.but anyway).

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Poe is an ex-Ranger, and he wants to stop the criminals. Also he wanted to save the cops inside the airplane.

Anastasios Anastasatos

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