Con Air
Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the plane has crashed in Las Vegas, Cameron Poe rescues the bunny (his daughter's birthday gift) from the sewer/gutter. The bunny is obviously soaking wet since it had just been floating down the street in a stream of water. Later, when he gives the bunny to his daughter, it is dirty, but dry. It is clear because the ears are sticking up and bouncing, and the fur is fluffy. (01:44:50 - 01:46:35)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car hits the control tower and falls. You can see the "azz kickr" licence plate still intact. A few seconds later a crumpled up licence plate that says "azz kickr" is picked up by Colm Meany. That plate is meant to have come from the front of the car, but we've seen before there was no plate at the front. (01:28:40)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Pinball is fighting the female guard on the plane they are struggling, and from one angle her hat has fallen off and from another angle she is still wearing it. It jumps between scenes like this with her hat being on and off. (00:24:03)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we see the close-up shot of Steve Buscemi grabbing the doll, he is picking it up with his right hand. But in the next shot, when you see a wider view of him picking it up, it is now in his left hand. (01:12:55)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Cameron Poe's stubble length changes noticeably while they are on the plane. At one point when him, the guard and Baby-O are about to jump off the plane after taking off from Lerner Airfield it has almost disappeared. (01:13:25 - 01:28:10)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car crashes into the tower, you can clearly see when it goes through that the car is not attached to anything, the rope that was pulling the car has gone, yet when the car lands on the ground you can see the rope still attached to the car. (01:28:30)

Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Diamond Dog puts the hat on in the plane after it's hijacked, he puts it on backwards.A second later, it's on straight without him turning it around. (00:43:55)

Con Air mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When the Poe family is reunited, Trisha can be seen holding on to Casey in the close-up. When Casey hugs Cameron in the wide shot, Trisha is not holding her.

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Suggested correction: She pulled away from her mom and went to her dad.


Con Air mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The last shot of the plane as it's taking off from the runway with Malloy's car attached to it is a flipped shot. Notice the logo and Jailbird writing near the nose of the plane are backwards.


Plot hole: All pilots are carefully trained and have the technology to secretly transmit a code that tells air traffic control there is a hijacking in progress, without having to say a word. They also have a hijack code, something that sounds completely innocuous to you or me, but would be instantly recognisable to the airport authorities.

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Garland Greene: Define irony - a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.

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Trivia: The original plan for the ending of the movie was to crash the plane into the White House.

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Question: Why is there a cache of weapons in the belly of the plane? Is there some reason in US Marshall rules?

Answer: If there was ever an emergency landing the weapons would be needed with the prisoners as they most likely will have to exit the plane at some point. There doesn't seem to be any information around that says that every prisoner transport plane would have the same amount of weapons or in the same spot but it seems likely most would have backup weapons for situations like that.


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