Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix fights Cooke in the motel room, after smashing the glass wall they knock over a pink lampshade, but in the next shot it's back up again. (00:44:25)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Matrix and his daughter are eating their sandwiches at the start of the film we see Matrix holding his sandwich looking out the window when he hears the chopper. Then, as the camera angle changes, the sandwich is now back on the plate. (00:07:50)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is in the gun shop, you see him take the missile launcher off the wall, but then in another scene, it is back on the wall again. Also, watch how easily Cindy runs with the missile launcher to the shopping cart. I guess those things don't have any weight to them. (00:55:17)

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Visible crew/equipment: In a scene towards the end, you can see the two bad guys flip into the air, and see the air ramps they fly off. (01:13:24)

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Revealing mistake: In the mansion, Matrix jumps to shelter in some flowers and the mat he lands on is noticeable because he bounces and parts of it become visible. (01:12:10)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Matrix kills Sully he tips the yellow Porsche back on its wheels and we see the hood ornament is gone. As he and Cindy drive away it's magically reappeared. Then as they go through the city it's gone again. (00:41:50)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sully flees the mall in his Porsche he runs into Matrix, knocking him up and over the car but also knocks off his wing mirror in the process. In the driving scenes that follow the mirror is back on the car. (00:37:40)

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Continuity mistake: When Bennett holds his knife against Matrix's face the knife keeps swapping positions and also the blade appears up or down depending on the shot; despite Bennett being unable to move his arm. (01:18:10)


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Revealing mistake: There is a scene in the mall fight between Matrix, and the security guards when he knocks one of them over a railing you can see the cord that's attached to the security guard's right ankle as he falls. (00:34:45)

Rollin Garcia Jr

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The amount of juice in the glass when Matrix has breakfast with his daughter suddenly changes from a third to over a half of the glass. (00:07:40)


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Revealing mistake: During the fight scene with Matrix and Cooke at the Motel, the stunt double for Cooke (the bald black guy) looks nothing like him and can be seen during many parts. (00:47:24)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Matrix lands on the island and kits himself up, the camera zooms out to show him fully geared up; pay attention to the binoculars hanging from his neck - they are different to the ones he uses a minute or two later. (01:07:35)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: We see two thugs waiting for Matrix and the other guy at the airport. When we see a close up of the two thugs, there is no one in front of them. But, as the shot changes to a wider angle, people have appeared that should be visible in the previous shot. (01:06:10)


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Continuity mistake: After landing on the marsh, Matrix sets his watch, putting 3 fingers around the sphere. when the angle changes there's just 2 fingers around it. (00:25:00)


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Revealing mistake: When Matrix grabs the phone booth, it has no screws or wires connecting it to the floor, wall or anywhere. Furthermore, the only spark it produces starts a metre away from the booth. (00:36:10)


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Continuity mistake: When Matrix is firing out of the sea plane, he shoots 2 people in a jeep. In one shot, they are both falling backwards having been shot, and in the next shot, the one in a sand-coloured top is jumping out of the jeep. (00:58:10)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we see Cindy coming in to land at the island, her grip on the throttle changes from the back to the front angle. Note her thumb and the gap between her thumb and index finger. (01:02:30)


Factual error: If the access hatch to the nose wheel well on an airliner was opened at any time during the flight, every alarm panel in the cockpit would light up like a Christmas tree. In this case happening within seconds of takeoff the pilot would immediately declare an emergency, turn around and land at the airport he had just left. (00:22:10)

More mistakes in Commando

Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

More quotes from Commando

Trivia: The shopping mall used in this film is the same one that was used in Terminator 2.


More trivia for Commando

Question: When Matrix says to his captors "Why not have Bennett do it, looks like something he will get off on"; did he mean it was something Bennett wouldn't go to jail for (considering he was psychotic), or was it some kind of sexual implication?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: A sexual implication, suggesting that it's something Bennett would find exciting.


Answer: Not sexual but something that he (Bennet) would find immense joy in doing due to his unstable mental nature akin to a sociopathic tendency.

More questions & answers from Commando

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