
Visible crew/equipment: When Rex Linn is looking at his tracking monitor before he shoots at the rabbit, we see a shot of the screen, with a reflection of the camera lens in it.

Visible crew/equipment: When Hal and the bad guys come across the two goofy base jumpers at the top of the mountain, you can see the whole camera crew's reflection in the sunglasses of one of the jumpers.

Visible crew/equipment: When Stallone is sliding down the slope with the bad guy, and the bad guy goes over the cliff into the darkness, you can see the flaps of the air bag or net flail about when he lands on it - most noticeably on the left side of the screen. (00:56:25)

William Bergquist

Factual error: How is it that when Sly comes out of the freezing, icy water, his hair and clothes are bone dry? I don't know too much about hypothermia, but I would imagine that his fairly thin sweater isn't wind proof. I'm sure by the time the movie ended, he would be suffering from more symptoms of hypothermia other than chattering teeth.

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Travers: Get off my back, Qualen.
Qualen: Off? I haven't even got on it... yet.

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Trivia: The stunt early on in the film where Eric Qualen and his team do the plane to plane transfer was performed by British stuntman Simon Crane. The stunt was performed at an altitude of 2.95 miles (4.75 km) and was the most expensive stunt ever performed costing £568,000(£1 million). Sly Stallone is said to have reduced his fee by that amount to ensure the stunt was made.

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Question: I'd like to know who performed the stunt near the end of the movie where Gabe jumps from the cliff as he runs from Qualin in the helicopter, and then catches the ladder on the way down. I thought that looked incredible.

Answer: There are two stunt doubles for Mr Stallone on, their names are Mark De Alessandro and Jeff O' Haco. The site doesn't specify who did what.


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