
Other mistake: When Gabe and the bad guy are fighting on the helicopter on the side of the cliff look carefully at the rotor shaft - you can clearly see that it has changed. Earlier when it was on the ground you see the shaft and the scissors on it. When it is upside down the scissors have vanished and the rotor shaft has a different look to it.

Other mistake: When the two goofy base jumpers are seen camping out in their tent, they have a large lantern and a big cooler underneath the lantern. These items are quite bulky and fairly heavy, hardly the kind of stuff that extreme base jumpers would carry around in their packs. In fact, that stuff would be really hard to fit into their packs at all.

Eric Siegel

Other mistake: In the beginning when Sylvester loses grip of the woman's hand, she falls to her death. Immediately after that they show the reaction of the helicopter pilot...and he's laughing.

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Suggested correction: He's grimacing and shaking his head "no", not laughing.

Oh no... He's definitely smiling and laughing. It's unmistakable.

Other mistake: As Gabe (Sylvester Stallone) is being chased, he is seen stumbling and falling off several snowy terraces and hillsides. At one point, Gabe falls about ten feet, lands on a snowbed, and the entire snowbed literally "bounces" like a white, rubber pad.

Other mistake: When Walker shoots Travers on the ice, too much blood comes out on him in just one second.


Audio problem: Just before the crashed jet skids to a stop, you can hear the jet engines despite them being ripped off with the tail fin quite a way back, so you shouldn't be able to hear them.


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Travers: Get off my back, Qualen.
Qualen: Off? I haven't even got on it... yet.

More quotes from Cliffhanger

Trivia: The stunt early on in the film where Eric Qualen and his team do the plane to plane transfer was performed by British stuntman Simon Crane. The stunt was performed at an altitude of 2.95 miles (4.75 km) and was the most expensive stunt ever performed costing £568,000(£1 million). Sly Stallone is said to have reduced his fee by that amount to ensure the stunt was made.

More trivia for Cliffhanger

Question: What was Hal's plan in the beginning? He wanted to send an harness to his girlfriend who was hanging in midair, so his girlfriend has the strength to lift herself and tie herself from that position. She was dangling in midair.

More questions & answers from Cliffhanger

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