
Revealing mistake: The stepmother's arm disappears for a split second when she tells her daughters that there is still a chance for them to become the princess.

Revealing mistake: When Cinderella is about to be locked in her room by the stepmother Cinderella sees her in the mirror. The image in the mirror is a reverse image not a mirror image. The door is seen opening on the wrong side.

Revealing mistake: The stepmother's arm disappears for a split second when she tells her daughters that there is still a chance for them to become the princess.

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Jaq: Lucify. That's him. Meany, sneaky. Jump at you. Bite at you.

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Trivia: The name of the Prince is never revealed, and he is never referred to as "Prince Charming" in the film.

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Answer: It's a term of endearment.

Brian Katcher

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